> On 14 Mar 2024, at 9:40 PM, Fraga, Eric <e.fr...@ucl.ac.uk> wrote:
> On Thursday, 14 Mar 2024 at 09:16, Wu Ming wrote:
>> Unrelated, but appeared on the same trial, noticed a cell was
>> mis-calculated. [...] This made me worry about reliability of simple
>> biz calculations I am trying on Org spreadsheet for the first
>> time. Please advise.
> I've not seen any problems with spreadsheet/table calculations in org and use 
> it extensively.  I don't use remote access generally however.
> In any case, one very nice feature of org tables is you can see exactly how 
> and what it calculates when you ask it to.  Turn on debugging by "C-c {" 
> (org-table-toggle-formula-debugger) and you can see all the information you 
> should need to identify what, if anything, is going wrong.
> Turn off debugging with the same key sequence.

Thanks for the reference to formula debugger. In the heat of debugging an error 
as obvious, and worrying, as the one I saw forgot about it. Though I am still 
new to Emacs and Org so that’s not so surprising. 

I have one table retrieving data from two more. 18 columns x 7 rows total. I 
could have everything into one larger table but splitting makes them more 
readable I think. And possibly simplifies sharing end results. Haven’t tried 
Org export options yet. What is your organization system with tables?

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