
For :noweb-prefix of noweb feature, now we have "yes" or "no" option.
Can we add a new "whitespace" option so that we can:

Giving following fragments,
  #+begin_src elisp :noweb-ref varable-bindings
  (a 0)
  (b 1)

  #+begin_src elisp :noweb-ref do-something
  `(,a ,b)

we use the "whitespace" option here
  #+name: a-fragment
  #+begin_src elisp :noweb yes :noweb-prefix whitespace
    (let (<<varable-bindings>>)

to produce the follow code:
  #+begin_src elisp
  (let ((a 0)
        (b 1))
    `(,a ,b))

Here is a try:
  #+begin_src elisp :exports results :wrap src elisp
  (org-babel--expand-body (org-babel-lob--src-info "a-fragment"))
BTW, I'm curious if there's an public API that can output the code expansion of 
an noweb src block by it's name like above?

Best regards,


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