On 4/4/24 14:11, Richard Stanton wrote:
Thanks for the suggestion!

It would still be nice (i.e., you wouldn’t have to do this for every section 
you ever want to export) to have a way of specifying a line that gets executed 
for EVERY (say) LaTeX export. Or else an option to do something like include 
everything in the file before the first section header.

That would be a nice feature, but I also like using the 'PROPERTIES' drawer 
because it enables me to have very fine control over the export of a subtree. A 
typical drawer I use looks like this:

:EXPORT_TITLE: *Subtree Title*
:EXPORT_FILE_NAME: Exported-Subtree
:EXPORT_LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA: \input{latex-preamble.tex} 
\hypersetup{pdftitle={Subtree Title},pdfauthor={Scott 
\hypersetup{colorlinks=true,urlcolor=blue,linkcolor=blue} %\pagestyle{empty} % 
Turn page numbering off
:EXPORT_OPTIONS: h:4 author:nil email:nil date:nil creator:nil timestamp:nil 
tags:nil num:0 toc:nil


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