actually you migt be betst ignoring the notes as they were written many
years before even the tses in it.  but the code wfm.

On Wednesday, April 10, 2024, Samuel Wales <> wrote:

> to me, the concepts of the log mode feature and the showing inactive tses
> feature are so close that they are worth merging into the same
> functionality, parameterized if needed [not needed for me].
> in my own case, i basically want all [log mode and inactive tses] off or
> all on.  years ago, i implemented a toggle, using log mode as the toggle.
> i made lots of notes, but the notes might not be comprehensible to anybody.
> i also wanted certain information to show or not show regarding state
> changes.
> the code is trivial.  it merely toggles inactive when you toggle log mode.
> ;; [[id:26806393-dca3-43a6-a92d-d8985d32f4bd][COMMENT issues with my
> inactive thing -- need to have v L still respect inactive, but pre-empt
> when state change]]
> ;;
> ;; if i want to see state changes i have to do v L, but inactive
> ;; disappears.  so i need to do l twice to fix it, but that
> ;; deletes state changes
> ;;
> ;; currently implemented options are state changes but no
> ;; inactive, state changes with redundant inactive, and only
> ;; inactive.
> ;;
> ;; i want inactive preempted by state change.  but don't care
> ;; much if i can just get inactive, which i do.
> ;;
> ;; =later this might or might not be analogous to closed being
> ;; tagged ts and thus correctly not tsia.
> ;;l or v l is for log mode: closed (doneish), clock, and state if
> ;;you set that.
> ;;
> ;;what about notes?
> ;;
> ;; too confusing to have two levels of log mode unless i really
> ;; want to always show something (like closed deadline) and
> ;; toggle showing all.  which i don't really need.  i prefer all
> ;; or none i think.
> ;;
> ;;super log mode (/logall/ log all) c-u l or v L is particularly
> ;;useful as it includes state changes with fewer bugs than [ (but
> ;;still not yet other inactive timestamps).
> ;;
> ;; maybe i can use the intermediate sort thing -- the thing sacha
> ;; used and that i use to sort or set scores or something -- to
> ;; eliminate duplicates after setting logall and also using my
> ;; inactive.  [2016-04-07 Thu 20:37]  
> org-agenda-before-sorting-filter-function
> ka
> ;;
> ;; try setting org-agenda-log-mode-items to allow state and find
> ;; out what gets duplicated.  i think it is just that it shows as
> ;; a bare inactive timetamp and as a state change.
> ;;
> ;; [ is different from log mode.
> ;;
> ;; [ provides nothing with my current setup which shows inactive
> ;; timestamps without duplicates.
> ;;
> ;;there are bugs with [
> ;;  [ with no log mode loses information
> ;;    repeater state is just nextrepeat
> ;;  [ resets upon navigation while l does not
> ;;    you can't make it persist or start up with it
> ;;  log mode (if you include state change) gets duplicated
> ;;    it finds the inactive timestamp?
> ;;    but only for state changes, not all?  =could check
> ;;  active timestamps including deadline and scheduled do not show
> ;;    presumably this is ok because will be elsewhere
> ;;    =later this needs detail
> ;;
> ;;adding state to org-agenda-log-mode-items makes l and log
> ;;mode at startup do the same thing as logall = c-u l or v L.
> ;;
> ;; state in org-agenda-log-mode-items duplicates inactive
> ;; (presumably because inactive does not exclude it).  it is sort
> ;; of useful.  i'd like bangification or todo kw.  if needed i
> ;; can use logall (c-u l or v L).
> ;;
> ;; =later i think i implemented bangification for ts agenda, with
> ;; slightly different semantics from bangification for search
> ;; agenda.  because more useful not to bangify known d s or so.
> ;;
> ;; /log mode does not show inactive timestamps/ ka.
> ;;   to me, the concepts are similar enough that they should be
> ;;   merged into the same mechanism.  i do that here.  also [ is
> ;;   conflated between two unrelated features.
> ;;
> ;;the default of org-agenda-log-mode-items is closed and clock
> ;;which is good.  that leaves out inactive, but i have a solution
> ;;for that.  but perhaps i can do state and filter it.
> ;;  [2016-04-26 Tue 11:05] sometimes it duplicates my inactive
> '(with-eval-after-load 'org-agenda
>   (add-to-list 'org-agenda-log-mode-items 'state))
> ;;
> ;;this is a good solution, but it is a defvar not defcustom.  it
> ;;might exclude the ts in the closed ts.  which is good in this
> ;;case because we show closed in org-agenda-log-mode-items.  and
> ;;that shows them in a closed face with closed leader.
> ;;
> ;; this is problematic when org-agenda-start-with-log-mode is
> ;; nil.  we want it nil then.  and then (as i have it) toggle it
> ;; on when doing log mode.
> ;; [2018-12-10 Mon 19:31] turning off because i have start with log mode
> off
> ;; (setq org-agenda-include-inactive-timestamps nil)
> ;; (setq org-agenda-include-inactive-timestamps t)
> ;;this way i can see what i did so far in the day and remind me
> ;;of good or bad things i did.
> ;; l toggles
> ;; [2018-11-24 Sat 15:53] trying without it to not clutter
> ;; (setq org-agenda-start-with-log-mode nil)
> ;; (setq org-agenda-start-with-log-mode t)
> ;; (defadvice org-agenda-log-mode
> ;;     (around toggle-off-inactive-also activate compile)
> ;;   (let ((org-agenda-include-inactive-timestamps t)
> ;;     ad-do-it))
> ;; fixme maybe i need this on org agenda
> ;; (defadvice org-agenda
> (defadvice org-agenda-log-mode
>     (around toggle-off-inactive-also activate compile)
>   ;; make log mode toggle inactive in addition to closed.
>   ;;
>   ;; alternative is file bug report on toggling log
>   ;;   but have to justify that inactive should be in log
>   ;;   etc.
>   ;;
>   ;; org-agenda-include-inactive-timestamps is a defvar.
>   ;; this was let but i think setq works better.  not sure that
>   ;; try with org-agenda-start-with-log-mode is relevant.
>   ;;
>   ;;   if
>   ;;     e-jinsei    12:00       Event:      MOOT supplements yet?  nose
> spray yet?
>   ;;     shows up even when off
>   ;;     but in event face not doneish
>   ;;     event overrides doneish
>   ;;     /not a bug/
>   ;;       it is the happy feeling setting
>   ;;       might be useful for ranges
>   ;;       (setq org-agenda-skip-timestamp-if-done t)
>   ;;       (setq org-agenda-skip-timestamp-if-done nil)
>   ;;
>   ;; fixme setq-local
>   ;; fixme do we need to toggle some of org-agenda-skip-*-if-done or
> similar?
>   ;;   no, need to fix org bug that changes log mode ka
>   ;; fixme shouldn't this be orthogonal to status of log mode?
>   (setq org-agenda-include-inactive-timestamps
>         ;; old note: my solution for inactive might get turned
>         ;; off by v L.  perhaps i need to inspect this variable
>         ;; more.  =later maybe this is fixed?
>         ;; v l does just this command
>         ;; v L does it with one prefix arg, meaning
>         ;;   show all possible log items, not only the ones
>         ;;   configured in ‘org-agenda-log-mode-items’. --
>         ;; (?l (call-interactively 'org-agenda-log-mode))
>         ;; (?L (org-agenda-log-mode '(4)))
>         ;; so theoretically showing all would also add anything i
>         ;; don't have in org-agenda-log-mode-items.  currently
>         ;; that is state.
>         ;; the sense of this is reversed becuse ad-do-it toggles
>         ;; org-agenda-show-log by design.
>         (not org-agenda-show-log))
>   ad-do-it)
> On Wednesday, April 10, 2024, Ihor Radchenko <> wrote:
>> Russell Adams <> writes:
>> > I pull up a file in 'emacs -Q'.
>> >
>> > M-x org-agenda 1 a   (restricted to current file, create agenda view).
>> > Now viewing the weekly agenda in buffer *Org Agenda*.
>> > Press "L" to enable logbook.
>> > Press "[" to enable inactive timestamps.
>> >
>> > I now see the full week with log and timestamps.
>> >
>> > Press "b" to go back one week.
>> >
>> > I now see last week's agenda. Logbook mode is still enabled. Inactive
>> > timestamps are missing.
>> >
>> > Pressing "[" will enable inactive timestamps again.
>> Ok. I can see what is happening.
>> Unlike agenda log-mode, where L toggles the mode on/off, the inactive
>> timestamps are not toggled; they can only be enabled and re-enable
>> manually when the agenda view is refreshed.
>> This is consistent with the documentation:
>> ‘v [’ or short ‘[’ (‘org-agenda-manipulate-query-add’)
>>      Include inactive timestamps into the current view.  Only for
>>      weekly/daily agenda.
>> Note how there no word "toggle" in the manual. It explicitly refers to
>> the "current view".
>> I am not sure why it is done this way and I cannot see any explanations
>> in the git logs.
>> I do not see why it should not be possible to make inactive timestamp
>> display into a toggle.
>> Patches welcome. It is an easy patch.
>> --
>> Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
>> Org mode contributor,
>> Learn more about Org mode at <>.
>> Support Org development at <>,
>> or support my work at <>
> --
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