/Hi, Alexander Gogl <gogl.alexan...@gmail.com> writes: /> ox-latex: New option 
to customize LaTeX footnote command

I hope you are aware that with your patch you are not going to be aware to pass
extra options to your foot or side notes, right? And since I'm not familiar with
kaobook, just a question. Are you sure that the foot and side notes will not 
at a \label{} inside the text?
//> PS: I have a hard time to setup an environment to test the patch because
my Spacemacs configuration conflicts with the Org mode development
version. Can anyone provide me a link to a ressource that describes the

I'm running on a vanilla Emacs and

---cut here --
(let ((org-devel-path (expand-file-name "~/Devel/org-mode/lisp")))
  (when (file-directory-p org-devel-path)
    ;; (message "Adding %s to load-path" org-devel-path)
    (add-to-list 'load-path  org-devel-path)))
---cut here --

in my .emacs.d/early-init.el does the job. I have a general Devel directyl for 
my development jobs.

Hope it helps, /PA

PS: Cool kaobook. I've used koma-script for most of my LaTeX work in the last 
15 years +/- ;-) though.

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