Rudolf Adamkovič <> writes:

> +Lua code blocks can now return values of any type and can also return
> +multiple values.  Previously, values of certain types were incorrectly
> +converted to the empty string =""=, which broke HTML export for inline
> +code blocks, and multiple values were incorrectly concatenated, where
> +~return 1, 2, 3~ was evaluated as =123=.


  #+BEGIN_SRC lua
  return {1, 2, 3}

previously crashed, as did

  #+BEGIN_SRC lua
  function divide()
     return divident / divisor
  return pcall(oops)

All that works now, with no more crashes.

P.S. #1

We still have an old bug where

  src_lua{return string.match("A {B} C", "%b{}")}

is misjudged to be a table:

  org-babel-insert-result: Inline error: list result cannot be used

P.S. #2

I did not update any session-related code.


  #+BEGIN_SRC lua :session x
  print 1


  ... Sessions currently not supported, work in progress

This is also documented in the header

  ;; Requirements:
  ;; for session support, lua-mode is needed.
  ;; [...]
  ;; However, sessions are not yet working.

This half-finished session support should be removed, IMHO.

If someone needs it and are willing to finish it, they can still dig it
up it in the history.  That is what VC is for, after all.

As of now, all that session-related dead code only pollutes the file,
making it harder to change, as it drifts out of sync...

"All you have to do is write one true sentence.  Write the truest
sentence that you know."  --- Ernest Miller Hemingway (1899-1961)

Rudolf Adamkovič <> [he/him]
Studenohorská 25, 84103 Bratislava, Slovakia, European Union

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