On 15/04/2024 23:46, Alexander Adolf wrote:
    FAILED  test-ob-shell/bash-uses-assoc-arrays  ((should (equal "two"
(org-trim (org-babel-execute-src-block)))) :form (equal "two" "three")
:value nil :explanation (arrays-of-different-length 3 5 "two" "three"
first-mismatch-at 1))
    FAILED  test-ob-shell/bash-uses-assoc-arrays-with-lists  ((should
(equal "20 cm" (org-trim (org-babel-execute-src-block)))) :form (equal
"20 cm" "50 dl") :value nil :explanation (array-elt 0 (different-atoms
(50 "#x32" "?2") (53 "#x35" "?5"))))

My guess is that GPLv2 BASH on macOS does not support associative arrays. Perhaps these tests should be skipped if BASH_VERSION is not fresh enough (not supplied by Apple).

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