
João Pedro <jpedrodeamo...@gmail.com> writes:

> I'd like to ask if I could contribute to this. I have followed the
> discussion to a point, but would be more than happy to try and
> contribute to this so it gets merged for the next Org major version,

That's the plan, and I'll happily take any help I can get.

> It solves the major gripe I had with your original org-tangle-sync.el
> package, which is the ability to sync blocks that aren't whole files.

Yep, and the fix for that was really quite trivial. If I knew what I
know now about org source blocks, I would have rewritten that entire
library very differently.

> So, what still needs to be done and where is development happening (I
> assumed it was on the main Org-mode git repository, but I see no branch
> there)?

The development is happening chaotically on my own repo
(gitlab.com/mtekman/org-mode) across several incomplete branches.

I've actually been working on it on and off for the last two weeks, but
I've been facing some rebasing issues that I need to tackle first before
I actually push anything to a branch that anyone can work on.

Can you wait until Sunday for me to resolve this, and then we can


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