On Mon, 29 Apr 2024 13:19:15 +0000
Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@posteo.net> wrote:

> Alexandros Prekates <apreka...@posteo.net> writes:
> > The same behavior happens with emacs -Q.
> >
> > Having <<foo>> and <<boo>> anchors somewhere in an org file
> > in a line a have an internal link :
> >
> > bla [[foo]]
> >
> > If i add :
> > [[boo]] bla [[foo]]  
> > org will create the two links.
> >
> > But if i add:
> > [[boo][  bla [[foo]]
> > with the intention to type: [[boo][description]]  bla [[foo]]
> > then what i will get is: a link to boo with description : bla [[foo
> This is expected, as per Org mode's link syntax [[path][description]].
> [[boo][  bla [[foo]]
> is indeed a link with path "boo" and description spanning between
> [...]: "  blah [[foo".

I give a couple of examples that i think highligth some foggy semantics
of links.

In the example below . is the pointer and single quotes is for
recognized links and $ for the start of the line.

   $.'foo'         // here while we could think that the pointer is
                   // before the link , if we type a char it will 
                   // be inserted into the link.
   $'xfoo'         // not x'foo'

Also what if we type :
   $and [[foo]].
   $and 'foo'.
   $.and 'foo'
   $[[goo. and 'foo' //Could not be seen as [[ goo and  [[foo ]]    ?
                     //                        'goo and [[foo'
                     // But that doesnt happens.
                     // Org sees it as :
   $[[goo.  and  'foo' 
   $[[goo]]  and 'foo'
   $'goo' and 'foo'


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