So far I have written this code...

(defun org-capture-expand-headline (headline)
  "Expand functions, symbols and strings for HEADLINE.

When HEADLINE is a function, call it.  When it is a form, evaluate

it.  When it is a variable, return its value.  When it is a string,

treat it as a headline title. When it is `t', select existing headline

title or enter a new one.  In any other case, raise an error."
  (let* ((headlines (org-map-entries (lambda ()
                                       (org-element-property :title
         (final-headline (cond ((stringp headline) headline)
                               ((functionp headline) (funcall headline
                               ((eq headline t) (completing-read "Enter
headline: " headlines  nil 'confirm))
                               ((and (symbolp headline) (boundp headline))
(symbol-value headline))
                               (t nil))))
    (or (org-string-nw-p final-headline)
(error "Invalid headline: %S" headline))))

and I updated `org-capture-set-target-location' to use that function when
handling with target `file+headline'

What I am concerned about is the amount of tests I might have to write or
update for `org-capture'.


125:          `(("t" "Todo" entry (file+headline ,file "A") "** H1 %?"))))

144:             `(("t" "Todo" entry (file+headline ,file2 "A")

175:          `(("t" "Todo" entry (file+headline ,file "A") "** H1 %?"))))

221:          `(("t" "Todo" entry (file+headline ,file "A") "** H1 %?"))))

233:          `(("t" "Test" entry (file+headline ,file "A") "** H\nFoo"

243:         `(("t" "Test" entry (file+headline ,file "A") "** "

279:          `(("t" "Item" item (file+headline ,file "A") "- X"))))

312:          `(("t" "Item" item (file+headline ,file "A") "- X"))))

323:          `(("t" "Item" item (file+headline ,file "A") "- X"

337:          `(("t" "Item" item (file+headline ,file "A") "- X"

358:          `(("t" "Item" item (file+headline ,file "A") "- X"

371:          `(("t" "Item" item (file+headline ,file "A") "- X"))))

538:                `(("t" "Table" table-line (file+headline ,file "Inbox")

552:                `(("t" "Table" table-line (file+headline ,file "Inbox")

723:                `(("t" "Text" plain (file+headline ,file "A") "Foo"

733:                `(("t" "Text" plain (file+headline ,file "A") "Foo"

How do you think it should be tested if the headline can be 4 different

Apology in advance if the formatting is off.

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