Em sexta, 03/05/2024 às 10:12 (-07), Tom Gillespie <tgb...@gmail.com> escreveu:

> Hi,
>    Thanks for getting things going on this again João.

No problem! I've been meaning to get my feet wet on some Org-mode
hacking for a while now.

> Based on what is in org-element-example-block-parser
> and org-element-src-block-parser I think
> :number-lines (yes|no|continue) as João proposes
> :indent           (preserve|align|???) not sure about naming
> :labels          (link|keep|remove|remove-whitespace)
> :label-format  regexp-string

Yeah, as Ihor pointed out I did forget about -i, though I'm not really
sure what that does.

> Defaults would be :number-lines no, :indent align,
> :labels remove-whitespace and :label-format would
> inherit from the default.
> The remove-whitespace option would remove the label
> itself along with any whitespace leading up to it, this
> avoids the user needing to specify the leading whitespace
> in :label-format. The remove option by itself is retained
> in the event that someone has aligned their labels and
> wants to retain the whitespace. This may be too complex
> though and remove-whitespace is not needed because
> :label-format can be modified as needed.
> Header arguments need to have a single value, so I think
> we should split :labels and :label-format, that way users
> can also specify :label-format without having to specify
> :labels first (otherwise there is ambiguity about what a single
> argument :labels means.

Sure, makes sense to separate it.

I tried searching for where switches are parsed in the code, but
couldn't find much. Could you provide me with some pointers and files I
should be looking at?


João Pedro de A. Paula
IT bachelors at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)

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