On 04/05/2024 18:51, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Max Nikulin writes:
Quotes are not stripped:

(org-babel-read "\"abc\nsdf\"" t)

Fixed, on main.


(org-babel-read "(\n\"abc\"\n" t)

progn: End of file during parsing

I cannot reproduce. Still, I added a prophylactic measure to recover
from parsing errors.

(should (equal "\"foo\"(\"bar\"" (org-babel-read "\"foo\"(\"bar\"" inhibit)))

you added to tests, does not cause the error since the unbalanced parenthesis is after first string. With the new regexp the error might happen for

(org-babel-read "\"Quoted closing quote:\\\"" t)

but it is caught by `ignore-errors'.

Perhaps `save-match-data' may be dropped if `string-match-p' is used instead of `string-match'. New code does not rely on match groups.

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