On 07/05/2024 20:09, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Max Nikulin writes:

I consider the following as a kind of graceful degradation

(defun org-sort-function-fallback-downcase
     (a b &optional LOCALE IGNORE-CASE)
   (if ignore-case
      (string-collate-lessp (downcase a) (downcase b) locale ignore-case)
    (string-collate-lessp a b locale ignore-case)))

It is indeed better than `org-sort-function-downcase'.

`compare-strings' with upcase conversion under the hood may be an alternative.

I would consider a setter function for `org-sort-function' to avoid
branches based of `func-arity' in `org-string<'.

Setter is not reliable when setq is used, so I prefer arity check.

I bothers me as well. Another idea is to require 2 optional argument and thus wrappers for 2 argument functions. My expectation that extra function call still may be cheaper.

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