In my task list, items are grouped under various headings.  For example:

* Reading

** TODO Book 1

** TODO Book 2

* Programming

** TODO assignment 1

** TODO assignment 2

When an item is DONE, I want to archive it such that archive file preserves tree structure.  So when Book 1 above is DONE, I want C-c C-x C-a to send this subtree to archive file under the heading Reading.  I followed the suggestion here:

My updated tasks file looks like this.

* Reading

:ARCHIVE: %s_archive::Reading

** TODO Book 1

** TODO Book 2

Adding this property does not change archive action.  After marking Book 1 as DONE, then typing C-c C-x C-a sends this subtree to archive file as a top level heading.  As a result, my archive file has a long list of top level headings.

How can I get the archiving done to preserve tree structure of tasks?  Any hope for already archived items to be reorganized?



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