There is behavior that only happens if `:results' Type is not set at all.
I'd like to request a new Type option that would easily negate a
default arg without having to clear the default header args variable.

By Type, I mean these:

Case 1: With no default header args
  ,---- elisp
  | (concat "My String")

  ,---- result
  | My String

Case 2: With default `:results scalar'

  ,---- elisp
  | (concat "My String")

  ,---- result
  | "My String"

Being new to Library of Babel, my default header args are
`:results value vector replace'. However, I had trouble with this
code block from `elot' used to add a SETUPFILE on HTML export:

| #+call: theme-readtheorg()

| (concat "#+SETUPFILE: " (file-name-directory (locate-library
"elot")) "theme-readtheorg.setup")

Which won't work if the /Type/ value is set by default.

I think this would be useful even if the better solution is getting used
to setting buffer/header local variables. It could also help library authors
ensure that a certain code block like above will work as intended.

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