Here is the testcase input.  The rest is exported to ascii for easier reading.

******* 1 scheduled today and deadline safely outside warning
DEADLINE: <2009-09-17 Thu> SCHEDULED: <2009-08-03 Mon>
******* 2 scheduled earlier than today, deadline /safely outside warning/
DEADLINE: <2009-09-17 Thu> SCHEDULED: <2009-07-27 Mon>
******* 3 scheduled today and deadline warning
DEADLINE: <2009-08-05 Wed> SCHEDULED: <2009-08-03 Mon>
******* 4 scheduled earlier than today, deadline /warning/
DEADLINE: <2009-08-05 Wed> SCHEDULED: <2009-07-27 Mon>
******* 5 scheduled earlier than today, deadline /due today/
DEADLINE: <2009-08-03 Mon> SCHEDULED: <2009-07-27 Mon>
******* 6 scheduled earlier than today, deadline /overdue/
DEADLINE: <2009-08-01 Sat> SCHEDULED: <2009-07-27 Mon>

test case for org agenda with a task with deadline and scheduled timestamps

Table of Contents
1 note: if you try this, try it today [2009-08-03 Mon]
2 input (note the italics)
    2.1 1 scheduled today and deadline safely outside warning
    2.2 2 scheduled earlier than today, deadline /safely outside warning/
    2.3 3 scheduled today and deadline warning
    2.4 4 scheduled earlier than today, deadline /warning/
    2.5 5 scheduled earlier than today, deadline /due today/
    2.6 6 scheduled earlier than today, deadline /overdue/
3 colophon
4 results, output

1 note: if you try this, try it today [2009-08-03 Mon]

2 input (note the italics)

2.1 1 scheduled today and deadline safely outside warning
DEADLINE: <2009-09-17 Thu> SCHEDULED: <2009-08-03 Mon>

2.2 2 scheduled earlier than today, deadline /safely outside warning/
DEADLINE: <2009-09-17 Thu> SCHEDULED: <2009-07-27 Mon>

2.3 3 scheduled today and deadline warning
DEADLINE: <2009-08-05 Wed> SCHEDULED: <2009-08-03 Mon>

2.4 4 scheduled earlier than today, deadline /warning/
DEADLINE: <2009-08-05 Wed> SCHEDULED: <2009-07-27 Mon>

2.5 5 scheduled earlier than today, deadline /due today/
DEADLINE: <2009-08-03 Mon> SCHEDULED: <2009-07-27 Mon>

2.6 6 scheduled earlier than today, deadline /overdue/
DEADLINE: <2009-08-01 Sat> SCHEDULED: <2009-07-27 Mon>

3 colophon
  - must be run on the same date as the deadline due date
  - strategy is effectively time-up category-keep

4 results, output
  remember:   In   2 d.:  3 scheduled today and deadline warning     :norefile::
  remember:   In   2 d.:  4 scheduled earlier than today, deadline
/warning/ :norefile::
  remember:   Deadline:   5 scheduled earlier than today, deadline
/due today/ :norefile::
  remember:   In  -2 d.:  6 scheduled earlier than today, deadline
/overdue/ :norefile::
  remember:   Scheduled:  1 scheduled today and deadline safely
outside warning :norefile::
  remember:   Sched. 8x:  2 scheduled earlier than today, deadline
/safely outside warning/ :norefile::
  remember:   Scheduled:  3 scheduled today and deadline warning     :norefile::
  remember:   Sched. 8x:  4 scheduled earlier than today, deadline
/warning/ :norefile::
  remember:   Sched. 8x:  5 scheduled earlier than today, deadline
/due today/ :norefile::
  remember:   Sched. 8x:  6 scheduled earlier than today, deadline
/overdue/ :norefile::

  1) i do believe that it is important to support tasks
     having both scheduled and deadline.

     i assume that other combinations are not necessary.
     these include appointment with scheduled, appointment
     with deadline, and appointment with scheduled and
     deadline.  those can be separate tasks.
  2) 3 4 5 6 are duplicated.  i think that this should be
     eliminated, as the op in a previous thread suggests.
  3) for some tasks, the deadline/scheduled column
     prioritizes telling us about scheduled.  i think that
     deadline is more important, so that should be shown
     instead unless the deadline is safely outside the
     warning period.

     other tasks do this correctly.
  4) 1 and 3 are likely not important to distinguish (unlike
     with deadlines, there is nothing /particularly/ special
     about the fact that scheduled began exactly today).
  5) faces are very important for 2 4 5 6.  that is, i think
     that there should probably be 4 separate faces for 2 4
     5 6.

     the reason for this is that imo the most important
     information the user needs is deadline: 1 safe, 2
     within warning, 3 due today, and 4 overdue.  this is
     not the case currently.

     i think that 1 and 3 should be assigned the same face
     as 2 and 4, respectively, to keep the number of faces

     of course, there are other important faces:

     - appointment
     - scheduled without deadline.  this can be the same
       face as 2.
     - deadline without scheduled.  this can be the same
       faces as 2 4 5 6.

     therefore, the total number of faces for the agenda
     task lines should be just 5.
  6) i think that 3 and 4 should put "Warn" instead of "In"
     for 4.  this indicates that it is within the warning
  7) i would consider putting "OK" or "Safe" or "Prewarn" or
     something similar instead of "Sched." for 1 and 2.
     then the column shows only deadline information, which
     is a consistent approach.

     another benefit of this is that you know that there
     /is/ a deadline.  if it shows "Sched." then you know
     that it is merely scheduled.  this is important because
     you might not have set a deadline yet because it was
     "to be determined".

     in such a case, with "OK" or similar, you know whether
     there is a risk of missing the unset deadline.
  8) this is minor, but in the input, org puts deadline
     before scheduled.  users are probably more familiar
     with having earlier dates on the left and later dates
     on the right, however (in most languages).  i think
     that scheduled should always be earlier than deadline.

Hope it helps.

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