Bastien <> writes:

> Hi Cian,
>> Its just that when drafting papers I tend to have lots and lots of
>> indentation in early drafts, and while narrowing trees is a godsend, the
>> unnecessary (for my purposes) indentation is slightly annoying.
> If the purpose of such a temporary display is to make the export render
> the structure of the narrowed buffer as if it was a top-level subtree,
> then I agree this is useful.  You can already achieve this by selecting
> the whole narrowed subtree (with transient-mark-mode on) and exporting
> the region.

Not really. Its simply a convenience method that I can probably hack for 
myself, but didn't want to if it already existed. Its simply when I'm 
drafting I tend to work in subtrees, and it becomes (for my purposes)
quite unwieldy when working with large trees (as I tend to). The indent
when I'm working with the narrowed buffer is a waste of space, and it
also makes it difficult for me to work out what level I'm working at
with a simple eyeball at the structure.

However I can quite cheerfully see that this is not something most
people would want/need.

> But maybe a narrowed tree should be considered as a selected region by
> default...  

Yes it probably should.

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