Am 14.07.24 um 11:46 schrieb Ihor Radchenko:
Florian Lindner <> writes:

* TODO dated item
SCHEDULED: <2024-07-04 Do 14:00>
* TODO undated item

which is in org-agenda-files. Using "org-agenda t" and executing "C-x
C-x =" (what-cursor-position) yields "dotime t" for both entries.

I have found no documentation on the "dotime" property, my understanding
is that the "undated item" should have this property set to nil.

Some background:

org-super-agenda uses this property to determine if items are to appear
on the time grid, when using the time-grid property, see that discussion

What is the definition of the dotime property?
Is there maybe another property or way to determine if entries should
appear on the time time grid?
DOTIME is an internal property storing arguments to

Use 'time-of-day instead.

Thanks for advise! However, I was unable to get something else but nil for time-of-day for these entries:

* TODO dated and timed item
SCHEDULED: <2024-07-14 So 14:00>
* TODO timed item
<2024-07-14 So>
* TODO undated item

 using the procedure described above.


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