Consider the following Org document:

#+HEADER: :tangle /tmp/
,#+TITLE: My document
,#+DATE: 2024-07-17

This is a link that ends in html: foo bar

This is a link that ends in txt: foo bar

This is a link that ends in jpg: foo bar

This is a link that ends in png: foo bar

I started Emacs using the following command:

emacs \
  --quick \
  --eval='(find-file "/tmp/")' \

The following code block shows the relevant content in the buffer =*Org HTML 

#+BEGIN_SRC html
<div id="content" class="content">
<h1 class="title">My document</h1>
This is a link that ends in html: foo <a 
href="";></a> bar

This is a link that ends in txt: foo <a 
href="";></a> bar

This is a link that ends in jpg: foo <img src=""; 
alt="a.jpg" /> bar

This is a link that ends in png: foo <img src=""; 
alt="a.png" /> bar

As we can see above, links that end in =html= or =txt= are exported as =a= 
tags, while links that end in =jpg= or =png= are exported as =img= tags.

I want links that end in =.jpg= or =.png= to also be =a= tags. The
reason is that in my use case, I need to display a link (i.e. a =a= tag)
inside a paragraph of an image hosted at Wikimedia Commons in the HTML
export. For example:

My question is: How to force a link that end in =.jpg= or =.png= to be exported 
as a =a= tag instead of an =img= tag?

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