Fixed: I killed emacs, deleted ~/.cache/org-persist/, and things look
OK after restart.

Sorry, obvious solution, but I wasn't thinking straight last night.

I do have a backup of the org-persist directory if there's anything to
be learned from it about how this happened (but I'm traveling, and don't
have much time for forensics at the moment).


Christian Moe writes:

> Hi,
> It seems my org-persist cache has somehow been corrupted so that opening
> any Org-mode file suddenly causes this odd and severe error:
> File mode specification error: (wrong-type-argument listp
> ..6C?.^c)
> Retyping the above since the characters may turn out wrong:
> (wrong-type-argument listp \277\243\254\224\3236\214C?\343\222^c)
> This essentially disables Org-mode completely. Only the first few lines
> are fontified, or more often none, and org functions like folding don't
> work. The same if I set the buffer to text-mode and then back to
> org-mode.
> What is a recommended quick fix?

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