Kyle Sexton schrieb:
I've seen talk of people using subversion to keep track of and back up
their org files.  Can someone give me an example of how they have this
configured and how files are checked in/out from the repository?  Do
you use a 'local' repository on the same machine and back that up
remotely or check your files out to a remote subversion server?

I was going to do something simple like setting up rsnapshot to create
backups of my org directory every X minutes, but subversion has me

I use subversion to backup and track my org files.
I have a server in my office running the subversion server.

Access is by port forwarding the subversion port via ssh - no matter being under windows (putty) or under Linux (ssh). In this way I have my subversion server and repository virtually "local", that is acces is always via


I also track all my .emacs.d specific files, especially the org-mode files themselves as well as icicles and all kinds of libraries etc. This makes it easy to update my whole emacs installation on any of my 3 desktops and 3 notebooks.


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