Dear All,

I probably miss something here, but I really cannot get subtasks stats
to work (i.e. what's described in the manual at "5.5 Breaking tasks down
into subtasks").

For instance, in the snippet below :

*** Cage [%]
**** DONE Redesign motherboard
     SCHEDULED: <2009-07-29 mer.>
     - State "DONE"       from "TODO"       [2009-09-01 mar. 10:59]
**** DONE Solder motherboard
     SCHEDULED: <2009-07-30 jeu.>
     - State "DONE"       from "TODO"       [2009-09-01 mar. 10:59]
**** DONE Write code
     SCHEDULED: <2009-07-31 ven.>
     - State "DONE"       from "TODO"       [2009-09-01 mar. 10:59]

All subentries are marked DONE, but the [%] next to cage stays empty.

If I try to force an update with 'C-c #', I get :

*** Cage [0%]

which is also wrong.

Another example is here :

**** DONE Web interface [100%]
    - [X] Fix lang page
    - Implement buttons in web interface [0/1]
      - [ ] Refresh Medias (content)

100% is wrong, since "Refresh Medias" isn't checked.
(org-hierarchical-todo-statistics is set globally).

I probably messed up things somewhere. If anyone has an idea...

Thanks for reading,

Michel Blanc - Systèmes/Réseaux Erasme
Erasme/CG69/Saint Clément les Places/FR69930
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