Hi Daniel,

On Sep 1, 2009, at 3:15 PM, Daniel Martins wrote:


thanks for your reply :

1. Looks like you are using a 7 day agenda. Consider using a day agenda

  (setq org-agenda-ndays 1)

I did it
2. Looks like you are including all TODO entries into your agenda.
  Consider not doing this.  Have you set org-agenda-include-all-todo ?

It was set. I have changed to nil.

3. You seem to get 678 matches. Assuming that it's a week agenda, this
  still makes 100 matches a day.  Have you that many items scheduled?

Yes. This is an organizational problem. I estimate a date to do something but due to priorities I keep them late. I do not know yet how to mark several items and schedule them in a few keystrokes.

You can do this from the agenda.  Use "m" to mark entries, and
then B to execute a command on all of them.  You need a recent
version of org for this, 6.21 will not be sufficient.

4. Consider archiving stuff that is no longer active.

I did a lot. Same problem as before, I do this stuff one by one and could not automatize this process. I do not know the impact of archiving in the same file and in a different file on the speed. Anyway I tried to transport most of my activities to organizer.org_archive

5. Did you compile the Lisp files?

org is compiled in the Ubuntu distribution

I have a package which has all my org and bbdb configurations and itwas not compiled. Now I compiled it. Normally I did not compile my configuration files but I can change this behaviour.

 org-bbdb-daniel.el now is compiled  to org-bbdb-daniel.elc

If this is just variable settings, this will not make a difference, so
you can leave them uncompiled.

After the above changes, here are the results for org version 6.21 (again I had some issues using the latest versions across my 3 computers and decided to keep for a while the Ubuntu version to compare them) in the same computer I used before

First of all, as you have already noticed, there have been
massive optimizations after 6.21.  You can see from your
timings that the entire time is spent in org-up-heading-all.
In a more recent version that function basically takes no time
at all anymore, so you will get from 14 seconds to 3 or so.

org-agenda 1 14.869551 14.869551 org-agenda-list 1 14.294828 14.294828 org-agenda-get-day-entries 6 13.043817 2.1739695 org-get-tags-at 415 11.353463000 0.0273577421 org-up-heading-all 1683 11.130422000 0.0066134414

It is better than before, almost 50% faster but I missed some features. Anyway I miss a hint about scheduling. If I do not schedule I miss a bit the preferences to solve an unsolved issue. If I do not schedule and do not include all TODOS I will not see them in my default org-agenda.

I was not suggesting that you should not schedule stuff.
Of course you should.  This is important.
I was merely curious about why you had so many matches on a day.

About the TODOs: why do you think it is necessary to have
them in the same view as todays agenda?  The scheduled stuff
is what is important for today.  You can use a separate view
for the TODO entries when you are looking for unscheduled TODOs.
If you have all your TODO entries in each agenda, the only
thing this will do is giving you a feeling of being overwhelmed.

I am a bit lost in this jungle. Anyway org-mode saved my life when I had fewer activities. I think I will find a way of saving my life in this myriad of activities of my academic life (postgraduate and graduate students, projects, bureaucracy, personal life, children, payments, etc.)

If you keep these different areas of your activity in separate files,
you can speed up things further by putting Org's focus onto a single file:

See the commands `C-c C-x <' and `C-c C-x >' in the manual.


Hope this all helps a bit.

- Carsten


6.21 before Carsten proposals

org-agenda 1 29.408703 29.408703 org-agenda-list 1 28.648282000 28.648282000 org-agenda-get-day-entries 27 26.459491999 0.9799811851 org-get-tags-at 737 21.298774999 0.0288992876 org-up-heading-all 2950 21.033886999 0.0071301311 org-agenda-get-scheduled 24 9.637174 0.4015489166 org-finalize-agenda 1 7.912788 7.912788 org-agenda-to-appt 1 7.68922 7.68922 org-agenda-get-todos 3 7.542505 2.5141683333 org-agenda-get-deadlines 24 6.2434250000 0.2601427083 org-outline-level 200310 3.8892260000 1.941...e-05 org-agenda-get-timestamps 24 2.4559390000 0.1023307916 org-end-of-subtree 3021 1.9833440000 0.0006565190 org-back-to-heading 5187 1.0270179999 0.0001979984

2009/9/1 Carsten Dominik <carsten.domi...@gmail.com>
Hi Daniel,

On Aug 31, 2009, at 11:25 PM, Daniel Martins wrote:

I had simply added load-path of version 6.29 and tried to load it without sucess

Following the hints in


I could installed the new version and the times diminished.

However they are still high.

I possibly have to rearrange something in my configuration but I do not know what!

Looking at the elp timings, things are evenly spread, not single function eating all the time. Which means that there is no good way to make Org
faster to make these times get smaller.

So here is stuff for you to check:

1. Looks like you are using a 7 day agenda. Consider using a day agenda

  (setq org-agenda-ndays 1)

2. Looks like you are including all TODO entries into your agenda.
  Consider not doing this.  Have you set org-agenda-include-all-todo ?

3. You seem to get 678 matches. Assuming that it's a week agenda, this
  still makes 100 matches a day.  Have you that many items scheduled?

4. Consider archiving stuff that is no longer active.

5. Did you compile the Lisp files?


org-agenda 1 8.954259 8.954259 org-agenda-list 1 8.222621 8.222621 org-agenda-get-day-entries 27 6.0676470000 0.2247276666 org-agenda-get-scheduled 24 1.8954390000 0.0789766250 org-agenda-get-deadlines 24 1.848125 0.0770052083 org-finalize-agenda 1 1.682567 1.682567 org-get-tags-at 739 1.5204500000 0.0020574424 org-agenda-to-appt 1 1.478704 1.478704 org-end-of-subtree 3021 1.369184 0.0004532221 org-up-heading-safe 2959 1.3089300000 0.0004423555 org-agenda-get-todos 3 1.204345 0.4014483333 org-format-agenda-item 678 1.0977590000 0.0016191135 org-finalize-agenda-entries 8 1.002133 0.125266625 org-back-to-heading 8152 0.7544939999 9.255...e-05 org-agenda-get-restriction-and-command 1 0.731547 0.731547 org-agenda-get-timestamps 24 0.6970960000 0.0290456666 org-agenda-highlight-todo 512 0.5082190000 0.0009926152 org-get-effort 667 0.4587000000 0.0006877061 org-prepare-agenda-buffers 2 0.448168 0.224084 org-prepare-agenda 1 0.375422 0.375422 org-entry-get 667 0.3152920000 0.0004727016 org-agenda-get-sexps 21 0.3122680000 0.0148699047 org-get-property-block 667 0.3088189999 0.0004629970 org-time-string-to-absolute 2455 0.2245600000 9.147...e-05 org-get-entries-from-diary 7 0.2179910000 0.0311415714 org-agenda-align-tags 1 0.196897 0.196897 org-add-props 1928 0.1870930000 9.703...e-05 org-get-priority 665 0.1791409999 0.0002693849 org-parse-time-string 2599 0.1669620000 6.424...e-05 org-agenda-skip 5746 0.1608899999 2.800...e-05 org-closest-date 519 0.1604959999 0.0003092408 org-get-todo-state 766 0.148052 0.0001932793 org-date-to-gregorian 1039 0.14695 0.0001414340 org-trim 578 0.1219580000 0.0002110000 org-agenda-get-blocks 24 0.1055319999 0.0043971666 org-outline-level 8200 0.0868150000 1.058...e-05 org-at-date-range-p 490 0.0674459999 0.0001376448 org-fit-window-to-buffer 2 0.0491700000 0.0245850000 org-fit-agenda-window 1 0.047655 0.047655 org-on-heading-p 502 0.0472360000 9.409...e-05 org-refresh-category-properties 6 0.044592 0.007432 org-entries-lessp 2350 0.0303510000 1.291...e-05 org-agenda-add-inherited-tags 678 0.0143810000 2.121...e-05 org-diary-sexp-entry 413 0.0117370000 2.841...e-05 org-split-string 2007 0.0101030000 5.033...e-06 org-agenda-new-marker 1100 0.0094529999 8.593...e-06 org-downcase-keep-props 2741 0.0074950000 2.734...e-06 org-calendar-holiday 7 0.005071 0.0007244285 org-add-prop-inherited 2613 0.0044160000 1.690...e-06 org-get-time-of-day 158 0.0034779999 2.201...e-05 org-fontify-priorities 1 0.003422 0.003422 org-activate-bracket-links 28 0.003122 0.0001115000 org-time-string-to-time 144 0.0031109999 2.160...e-05 org-get-wdays 688 0.0029170000 4.239...e-06 org-remove-uniherited-tags 2549 0.0029120000 1.142...e-06 org-check-agenda-file 30 0.002788 9.293...e-05 org-get-category 768 0.0016760000 2.182...e-06 org-get-agenda-file-buffer 33 0.001566 4.745...e-05 org-find-base-buffer-visiting 33 0.0013430000 4.069...e-05 org-agenda-add-time-grid-maybe 7 0.0011580000 0.0001654285 org-agenda-mode 1 0.001007 0.001007 org-agenda-todayp 48 0.000894 1.862...e-05 org-get-todo-face 444 0.0008830000 1.988...e-06 org-before-change-function 518 0.0008730000 1.685...e-06 org-agenda-files 4 0.000864 0.000216 org-agenda-cleanup-fancy-diary 7 0.000662 9.457...e-05 org-modify-diary-entry-string 11 0.0005960000 5.418...e-05 org-diary-default-entry 7 0.000533 7.614...e-05 org-agenda-check-for-timestamp-as-reason-to-ignore-todo-item 342 0.0005210000 1.523...e-06 org-add-to-diary-list 7 0.000486 6.942...e-05 org-agenda-deadline-face 113 0.0004459999 3.946...e-06 org-agenda-format-date-aligned 7 0.000435 6.214...e-05 org-agenda-reset-markers 1 0.000356 0.000356 org-uniquify 6 0.000353 5.883...e-05 org-remove-flyspell-overlays-in 29 0.0002899999 9.999...e-06 org-days-to-iso-week 9 0.0002069999 2.299...e-05 org-switch-to-buffer-other-window 1 0.000192 0.000192 org-make-overlay 42 0.0001350000 3.214...e-06 org-overlay-put 84 0.0001129999 1.345...e-06 org-activate-tags 3 7.199...e-05 2.399...e-05 org-activate-dates 4 7e-05 1.75e-05 org-compile-prefix-format 1 6.8e-05 6.8e-05 org-do-emphasis-faces 2 6.500...e-05 3.250...e-05 org-overlay-get 43 6.399...e-05 1.488...e-06 org-delete-overlay 42 5.899...e-05 1.404...e-06 org-unfontify-region 2 5.099...e-05 2.549...e-05 org-activate-footnote-links 2 4.499...e-05 2.249...e-05 org-activate-plain-links 2 3.5e-05 1.75e-05 org-overlays-in 1 2.3e-05 2.3e-05 org-activate-angle-links 2 2.2e-05 1.1e-05 org-activate-code 2 1.7e-05 8.5e-06 org-get-level-face 6 1.6e-05 2.666...e-06 org-file-menu-entry 3 1.499...e-05 4.999...e-06 org-agenda-set-mode-name 1 1.4e-05 1.4e-05 org-add-hook 2 1.300...e-05 6.500...e-06 org-agenda-post-command-hook 3 1.2e-05 4e-06 org-hide-wide-columns 2 1.1e-05 5.5e-06 org-unhighlight 3 1.1e-05 3.666...e-06 org-font-lock-add-tag-faces 3 5.999...e-06 2e-06 org-agenda-ndays-to-span 2 4.999...e-06 2.499...e-06 org-region-active-p 1 4e-06 4e-06 org-font-lock-hook 2 4e-06 2e-06 org-do-latex-and-special-faces 2 3e-06 1.5e-06 org-release-buffers 1 3e-06 3e-06 org-set-sorting-strategy 1 2e-06 2e-06 org-activate-target-links 2 2e-06 1e-06

2009/8/31 Leo <sdl....@gmail.com>
On 2009-08-31 22:03 +0100, Daniel Martins wrote:
> I did all but it complains about a org-agenda-list: Symbol's function
> definition is void: elp-wrapper
> Daniel

Maybe put (autoload 'elp-wrapper "elp") somewhere in your .emacs. This
will get your org mode to compile.

But you may want to figure out where that elp-wrapper is used. The
vanilla org mode does not seem to use it.

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