Hi folks, 

I'm trying to do this: 

  1. schedule a TODO on THIS_DAY
  2. before THIS_DAY, don't show it in global todo list.  So I have: 

      (setq org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled t)

  3. on(and after when not done) THIS_DAY, show it in global todo list

While, to my surprise, on THIS_DAY, the scheduled TODO doesn't show up
in the todo list!!  

The manual (info "(org) Deadlines and scheduling") says: 

     Important: Scheduling an item in Org mode should not be understood
     in the same way that we understand scheduling a meeting.  Setting
     a date for a meeting is just a simple appointment, you should mark
     this entry with a simple plain time stamp, to get this item shown
     on the date where it applies. ...  

Does this mean that it will show in the calendar? 

I'm new to orgmode.  I'm thinking of referring to TODO list most of the
time.  Is this a good way? Since switching between agenda and TODO list
looks a bit unconvenient to me.



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