henry atting <nsmp...@online.de> writes:
> is there anywhere a tutorial about org-invoice? Or at least a more
> detailed description?

I don't have much time right now to write a tutorial, but I could answer
specific questions.  I'll start with a better description:

org-invoice really does two things:

1. Take a sub-tree of headings with dates and associated work times and
   generate an org table.  Headings will be placed into buckets based on
   their date stamp, and the resulting table will be sorted by date,
   with totals for each day in the range, and a final total.  The
   generated table has a few options to control its look (e.g. what
   columns are in the table).

2. Provide an elisp interface to collect invoice data from a sub-tree.
   This can be useful, for example, in submitting invoice data to an
   invoicing service such as Freshbooks.

I'll try to answer any questions posted to this list about org-invoice.

Peter Jones - 303-219-0226
pmade inc.  - http://pmade.com

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