
I have released Org-mode 6.31.

Biggest news is the inclusion of Org-babel.  Thanks to Eric Schulte
and Dan Davison for their work on this.


- Carsten

Version 6.31

Author: Carsten Dominik <carsten at orgmode dot org>
Date: 2009-09-30 16:16:10 CEST

Org-babel is now part of the Org distribution

Org-babel provides the ability to execute source code in many
different languages within org-mode documents.  The results of
code execution -- text, tables and graphics -- can be integrated
into Org-mode documents and can be automatically updated during
publishing.  Since Org-babel allows execution of arbitrary code,
the range of tasks that can be addressed from within an Org mode
file becomes very large.  Examples of ways in which Org-babel
might be used include

- Documenting a task that involves some programming so that it is
  automatically repeatable
- Creating dynamic (executable) reports that respond to changes
  in the underlying data (Reproducible Research)
- Exportation of code contained in an Org-mode document into
  regular source code files (Literate Programming)

Additionally, Org-babel provides a programming environment within
Org files, in which data can be transmitted between parameterised
source code blocks in different languages, as well as between
source code blocks and Org-mode tables.

A simple API is defined so that users can add support for new
"languages" (broadly construed).  Languages currently supported

- asymptote
- css
- ditaa
- dot
- emacs-lisp
- gnuplot
- haskell
- ocaml
- python
- R
- ruby
- sass
- sh
- sql

Org-babel was designed and implemented Eric Schulte with continued
significant help on both accounts from Dan Davison.

MobileOrg support

Richard Morelands iPhone/iPod Touch program [MobileOrg] can view
Org files, mark entries as DONE, flag entries for later
attention, and capture new entries on the road.  Org-mode has now
support to produce a staging area where MobileOrg can download
its files, and to integrate changes done on the phone in a half
automatic, half interactive way.  See the new appendix B in the
manual for more information.

[MobileOrg]: http://mobileorg.ncogni.to/

Indented lines starting with "#+ " are treated as comments

To allow comments in plain lists without breaking the list
structure, you can now have indented comment lines that start
with "#+ ".

New STARTUP keyword `showeverything'

This will make even drawer contents visible upon startup.
Requested by Jeff Kowalczyk.

New contributed package org-invoice.el

This package collects clocking information for billing

Thanks to Peter Jones for this contribution.

Encrypting subtrees

/org-crypt.el/ by John Wiegley and Peter Jones allows encryption
of individual subtrees in Org-mode outlines.  Thanks to John and
Peter for this contribution.

Agenda: Support for including a link in the category string

The category (as specified by an #+CATEGORY line or CATEGORY
property can contain a bracket link.  While this sort-of worked
<in the past, it now is officially supported and should cause no
problems in agenda display or update.  The link can be followed
by clicking on it, or with `C-c C-o 0'.

This was a request by Peter Westlake.

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