Hi everyone,

some time ago, I stumbled over a picture of Eric Schulte on
his Org-generated home page (http://cs.unm.edu/~eschulte/).
And that made me realize how nice it can be to think of a face
when reading a name.

So want to start a page with people from this community here,
where some of us are introduced with a picture and maybe a
little text with a few links.

To get started, I have made this page on Worg:


There are a few people already on this list, just to get over
the first bump.

I absolutely do not want this to be the list with only the
5 hotshots.  If you feel yourself to be a member of this community,
if you post here every now and then, then don't hesitate to add an
entry to this file.

So far, the text people have added turns out
to be mostly about Org.  This is OK, of course, but my original
intention was also that people might write something about
themselves, what they do besides using Org.  So feel free to
put there anything you like, links to whatever is important to you
and you feel like showing here.  Also, the picture can be more crazy
than what we have so far!

People with write access to Worg can easily do this themselves,
just look at the examples already in the buffer.  Most entries use
the "person" macro which scales the picture to 300 pixels.  But if
the quality of the picture does not allow it, use person200 or
so instead.  The pictures are –in from off-site, to not make this
project blow up the size of the Worg repo too much.  That also means
that you can change that picture behind our back any time you want :-)

If you don't have write access on Worg and find it too much
trouble to get it, send me (or maybe there is a volunteer for this???)
a link to a picture somewhere on the web, and a small piece of text
in Org-mode syntax.

I hope enough people find this not a stupid, but an
interesting idea... :-)

- Carsten

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