Carsten Dominik wrote:
> Matt: Inline tasks are now always exported, the variable
>        org-inlinetask-export is obsolete.  Export will look like
>        a description list item - in fact, the export uses internally
>        description lists.

Thanks for clarifying this. I had org-inlinetask-export set to nil in
my .emacs (probably from earlier experimentation with the feature).

I see that one can exclude inline tasks with an exclude tag. But in
that case, one has to apply the tag to both headlines. 

*                ** Testing                                        :noexport:
Here is a test
*                ** END                                            :noexport:

If one leaves the tag off of the END headline, then it is exported in
the HTML. Would there be a way automatically to exclude the END line
even if it does not have an exclude tag.


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