>>>>> "Dan" == Dan Davison <davi...@stats.ox.ac.uk> writes:

    Dan> Maurizio Vitale <maurizio.vit...@polymath-solutions.com>
    Dan> writes:
    >>>>>>> "Dan" == Dan Davison <davi...@stats.ox.ac.uk> writes:
    Dan> Maurizio Vitale
    Dan> <m...@cuma.i-did-not-set--mail-host-address--so-tickle-me>
    Dan> writes:
    Dan> [...]
    >> >> It would be nice if it was possible to have multiple result >>
    >> sections. This way I could embed in the document the result that
    >> >> was obtained when writing the documentation, while still
    >> allowing >> the person following the recipe to evaluate again the
    >> shell >> script and get the results on his machine.
    >> >> 
    >> >> The first section should be read-only (not necessarily
    >> physically >> read-only, but skipped by C-c C-c). The others may
    >> be >> re-evaluated over and over until the end user has a valid
    >> >> configuration.
    Dan> Hi Maurizio,
    Dan> Once I've obtained the results that I want to "freeze", I would
    Dan> manually alter (or even delete) the #+resname tag, so that the
    Dan> source block no longer overwrites it. Is that simple solution
    Dan> appropriate? I'm not yet seeing the advantage of the more
    Dan> complex possibilities.
    >> That is the obvious possibility, but at times you may want to
    >> re-evaluate those: either the configuration has changed, or the
    >> software you're documenting has changed or the script you're
    >> using is buggy.
    >> Yes you could reintroduce the #+resname tag when needed, but I'm
    >> hoping to get more automation than M-x shell-command-on-region.

    Dan> The other, perhaps nicer, thing you can do is change the
    Dan> #+srcname of the block which has the effect of changing the
    Dan> results block. You can do that now. But maybe we could allow
    Dan> the user to over-ride the default way in which the #+resname
    Dan> tag is set? E.g. by adding a :resname header argument.

    Dan> Something like this:

    Dan> #+srcname: test2 #+begin_src sh :resname test2-redirected expr
    Dan> 2 + 3 #+end_src

    Dan> #+resname: test2 : 4

    Dan> #+resname: test2-redirected : 5

    Dan> Do you think that would be worthwhile?

Too early for me to say. First reaction is that I don't see particular
advantages in the :resname method over the changing the src name to
justify the additional implementation effort.

What I think would be useful is a way to switch all results/srcnames in
a file by adding a prefix/suffix. So:
#+srcname test
would cause results to go to #+resname: test if
org-mode-babel-source-prefix is nil, but would go to
#+resname: example-test if
org-mode-babel-source-prefix is "example-"
and then org-mode-babel-source-prefix could be set somewhere in the
Maybe the #+resname which is updated could be marked with a '*' so that
if somebody does C-c C-c and doesn't see an update he's reminded that
the result block is not active because of a prefix.

Thanks for the suggestion of changing the source block name: it goes a
long way towards what I need.

    >> I've just started using org-babel in this way, so I'm not sure at
    >> all of what features I'll feel in the end needed. This seems one
    >> right now.
    >> Best regards,
    >> Maurizio


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