On Oct 13, 2009, at 12:03 PM, Francesco Pizzolante wrote:

Hi Carsten,

Sorry for my late reply on this subject.

OK, I have now modified image placement in LaTeX.

1. Image in text


2. Floating image with caption and modified size and placement

  #+CAPTION: My caption
  #+ATTR_LATEX: placement=[H] width=0.6\textwidth

3. Wrapping text around the image

  #+ATTR_LaTeX: wrap
  #+ATTR_HTML: align="left"

4. Wrapping text around the image with modified size and wrapfigure placement

  #+ATTR_LaTeX: wrap width=0.38\textwidth placement={r}{0.4\textwidth
  #+ATTR_HTML: align="right" width="250"

Even if there is a caption, wrap will work and force the
image to be non-floating with text wrapped around.


I did not test the wrap option yet, but the rest is perfect (images in text,
placements, width, captions, labels).

I still miss one single option: "float" in order to force the centered figure
environment if if no caption/label is present.

I would add something like

#+ATTR_LATEX: float

Have you actually tried?  The following works for me.

#+ATTR_LaTeX: float
This is text

- Carsten


#+ATTR_LATEX: float=t

Is this feasible?

Thanks a lot!


- Carsten

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