Robert P. Goldman <rpgoldman <at>> writes:

> I just installed OrgMobile and I'm delighted with it.
> But I was wondering --- it seems to create only my custom agendas by default. 
> Is there any way to persuade it to create the daily and weekly agendas on
> export?  I'd really like to have those at my fingertips.
OK, I see --- never mind!

I just create custom agenda commands that mirror what the normal 1-day and 7-day
agendas (C-c a a) do, using the org-agenda-ndays to control them.

This seems like a normal enough thing to want to do that one might simply add it
as an option to org-mobile's configuration (in org-mobile-push, I assume).

I might have a whack at providing a patch if no one better does it first ;-)

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