Keith Lancaster <> wrote:

> I apologize for the WAY off topic question, but since you folk are emacs =
> you use emacs for email, and if so, what do you use? =
> Org-mode caused me to switch to emacs after programming for 30 years in =
> other editors, and so like many emacs converts, I'm not wanting to exit =
> the app :-).

I've used MH for more than 20 years and I have never been tempted by
anything else (I tried gnus/mutt/thunderbird and I still use them on
defective (i.e. non-mh capable :-)) machines - but I will stop using MH
only when they pry it from my cold, dead fingers). Of course, I use mh-e
as the emacs interface, but it's handy to have the underlying MH
programs available.

I use fetchmail to download my mail from a couple of different pop/imap
servers I use and store it locally on my laptop (where I also use mairix
to index it). So MH only has to read the local store. It can also do pop
with the appropriate incantation but it is fundamentally inconsistent
with imap (imap insists on storing mail on the server, whereas MH wants
it local). But I like the separation of concerns: fetchmail runs around
like crazy and downloads the mail from all the servers out there, using
all sorts of protocols; MH has only to worry about the local setup.

This is just my 2 cents and it's not worth much more than that either:
email is a very personal choice and finger memory is probably the most
important advantage of my solution, so it may be worse than useless for


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