2009/12/3 Jonathan Arkell <jonath...@criticalmass.com>:
> Sure, but something like this might be even better still:
> <dl class=²properties²>
>  <dt>FOO</dt>
>  <dd>blah</dd>
>  <dt>BAR</dt>
>  <dd>blah blah</dd>
> </dl>
> You don't need the extra div around the dl, since the dl itself is a block
> element.  The extra div in this case is semantically null (and void!).

Agreed... It was late and I just bashed out the first thing that came
to mind as a starter for 10 :-)

> The Definition list is basically a set of key/value pairs anyway, so having
> the extra classes "property_key_foo" don't make a whole lot of sense.  Using
> a definition list as a series of key-value pairs is a pretty well
> established pattern of the XHTML Microformats movement.

The only reason I added the classes was to try and make things simpler
for CSS selectors to pull out specific properties.  Presumably this is
still reasonably easy with your revised defintion though?


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