Sébastien Vauban <wxhgmqzgw...@spammotel.com> writes:

> Hi Eric and Dan,
> Just a quick question (before testing and answering properly, tomorrow, to
> your post): how do you give a name to an R plot?
> Just taking your example file:
> #+srcname: directory-pie-chart(dirs = directories)
>    #+begin_src R :session R-pie-example
>    pie(dirs[,1], labels = dirs[,2])
>    #+end_src
>  [[file:../../images/babel/dirs.png]]
> I don't see how the `dirs.png' name is derivated from the above block?

Hi Seb,

Sorry, more documentation shortcomings. When that was written it did not
happen automatically, but it does now.  

> I've tried arguments such as `:file' or `filename:', but did not get any
> success...


:file filename.png

should do it. Here's the relevant commit note. I'll move this into the
documentation now.

commit 8b52bf09e0644cc5b6ea85e5248403fcd562f4f3
Author: Dan Davison <davi...@stats.ox.ac.uk>
Date:   Mon Oct 19 21:00:24 2009 -0400

    org-babel: capture graphical output from R
    If a [:file filename.ext] header arg is provided, then all graphical
    output from the source block is captured on disk, and output of the
    source block is a link to the resulting file, as with the
    graphics-only languages such as gnuplot, ditaa, dot, asymptote. An
    attempt is made to find a graphics device corresponding to the file
    extension (currently .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .tiff, .bmp, .pdf, .ps,
    .postscript are recognised); if that fails, png format output is
    Additionally, values for several arguments to the R graphics
    device can be passed using header args:
    :width :height :bg :units :pointsize
    :antialias :quality :compression :res :type
    :family :title :fonts :version :paper :encoding
    :pagecentre :colormodel :useDingbats :horizontal
    Arguments to the R graphics device that are not supported as header
    args can be passed as a string in R argument syntax, using the header
    arg :R-dev-args
    An example block is (although both bg and fg can be passed directly as
    header args)
    \#+begin_src R :file z.pdf :width 8 :height 8 :R-dev-args bg="olivedrab", 
      plot(matrix(rnorm(100), ncol=2), type="l")

> Currently, all my R blocks produce an `Rplots.pdf' graph file... Don't see
> where that is coming from... Pay attention: I'm an R user for the last 3 days

That is the default in R when you issue plot commands from a
non-interactive R process. But if you use the :file header arg all
graphical output will be diverted to the named file as outlined above.


> or so... Not very aware of where the name can be set...
> Best regards,
>   Seb

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