Nathan Neff <> wrote:

> Currently, I'm getting an error when I try to refile my notes
> and I think it's something very basic.
> Here's the relevant code:
> ;; Use environment variable $ORGDIR to get dir for org-directory
> (setq org-directory (getenv "ORGDIR"))
> (setq notesmine-dir "~/Documents/notesmine-org")
> (setq org-agenda-files (file-expand-wildcards (concat org-directory 
> "/*.org")))
> (setq notesmine-files (file-expand-wildcards (concat notesmine-dir "/*.org")))
> ; Targets include this file and any file contributing to the agenda - up to 5 
> levels deep
> (setq org-refile-targets
>   (quote
>     (
>       (org-agenda-files :maxlevel . 5)
>       (notesmine-files :maxlevel . 5)
>       (nil :maxlevel . 5)
>     )
>   )
> )
> I've tried concatenating org-agenda-files and notesmine-files, but I keep 
> getting errors
> when trying to refile.  The error that I get is:
> "Wrong type argument, numberp (0.5)"
> I can provide a stack trace, but I don't think this is a bug -- I just think 
> that
> I'm not concatenating the list of files that I want to use in 
> org-refile-targets
> correctly.

[A stacktrace is always useful. It doesn't matter whether it's a bug in org or 
your code: it can help narrow down the problem]

I suspect that the last line is the problem:

>       (nil :maxlevel . 5)

What happens if you delete it?


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