Hi Graham,

Graham Smith <myotis...@gmail.com> writes:

> I don't seem able to change the size of graphics in the PDF output.
> #+begin_src R :file z.pdf :width 20 :height 20 :R-dev-args
> bg="olivedrab", fg="hotpink"
>      plot(matrix(rnorm(100), ncol=2), type="l")
> #+end_src
> Using this  example from an earlier post, regardless of how I change
> the width and height settings the image in the PDF stays the same.

Hmm, this example is working for me. What about the axis annotation --
does that change size relative to the plot?

> With this next example:
> #+srcname:Boxplots Summary
> #+begin_src R :session BirdData :file BoxplotSummary.pdf :exports both
>  boxplot(Wingcrd,Tarsus,Head,Wt,names=c("Wingcrd","Tarsus","Head","Wt"))
> #+end_src
> If I add height and width arguments the image stays the same size
> regardless of settings, but the labels for the boxplots become tiny.

That's what one would see if you increase the width and height arguments
to pdf(). I.e. the labels get smaller relative to the plot size (unless
you also scale the labels size by using cex.lab or whatever) Is it
possible that the pdf output *is* changing size, but that your pdf
viewer is rescaling the images to the same size on your screen?


> Am I missing some code somewhere that allows the graphs to be modified.
> Thanks,
> Graham
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