
This was fixed a week ago or two.  I don't remember the checkin but I
saw it in the log and verified the fix works.

I remember looking at the diffs and it had to do with preprocessing the
TEXT section as well....



Carsten Dominik wrote:

Is this already fixed, or still an open issue?


- Carsten

On Dec 13, 2009, at 4:52 PM, Mark Elston wrote:

Nick Dokos wrote:
Mark Elston <> wrote:
I have a standard format I like to use in creating some class notes
in latex.  I use memoir and have a boilerplate that only differs
in the title from notes to notes.  I have decided to try to manage
my documentation for my notes in org to see if it is easier to do.
Mostly (so far) it is a pretty good match.

However, I have run into a snag for exporting the notes to latex.
I tried using the #+TITLE: directive but got page numbers (in roman)
on the first couple of pages.  This looked ugly.
Can you post the tex file that is produced with the TITLE directive? I
don't understand why/how roman page numbers are produced (but I don't
know memoir well).

Actually, part of the boilerplate includes a \pagenumbering{roman}
*after* the titlingpage environment.  This is probably what caused it.
After all my remaining boilerplate (including a Preface section) I
insert a \pagenumbering{arabic} and this restarts the page numbers
from 1.

So I set the#+TITLE: directive to be empty and added to the #+TEXT: block
the following:

#+TEXT: \title{ABC Class Notes}
#+TEXT: \begin{titlingpage}
#+TEXT: \maketitle
#+TEXT: \end{titlingpage}

This almost works.  The problem is the first of these lines gets
exported with the closing '}' escaped.  In other words it comes
out as:

\title{ABC Class Notes\}

I am not sure why this is or what to do about it.
This is probably a bug - Carsten has fixed a number of instances
of such escaped braces I believe.

Should I submit a bug report?  As I was working with this another
piece of boilerplate I had (and removed) was:

#+TEXT: \shorttableofcontents{Sessions}{0}

which resulted in:


I don't have to have the short table of contents so I removed it
but it is another such escaped backslash.

BTW, I had to set the TITLE directive to empty since just having it
resulted in an automatic \maketitle export which was not surrounded
by the titlingpage environment.  I really wanted that titlingpage
environment and I couldn't think of another way of  handling it.

You can perhaps redefine org-export-latex-title-command:
(setq org-export-latex-title-command "\\begin{titlingpage}\n\\maketitle\n\\end{titlingpage}")
and try using the TITLE directive again.

Can I set this on a case-by-case basis?  Not all my documents use
memoir.  I think the titlingpage environment is memoir-specific.


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