Carsten Dominik <> writes:

> Hi Andrea,
> This post is really incomplete, and it is impossible for anyone to give
> a good answer - which means that everyone has to read my answer and then
> your second attempt.  Things that could help are:
> - What does your hook look like?
> - There is no hook called `before-hook'
> - Are you using a recent version of Org-mode?
> - Are the "different machines" different operating systems?
> Please, before you send an email to more than 700 people, stop
> for a second and check if you have supplied all the information
> that could possibly be useful.
> Thanks.
> - Carsten

I'm really sorry you're right, I should write a sort for this kind of
questions, I always forget important details...

emacs-version: ""
org-version:   "6.33trans"

The code for the hook is this

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
(defun org-add-eventually()
  "Adding a file to org-agenda when saved"
  (if (string= major-mode "org-mode")

(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'org-add-eventually)
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

And finally I have different operating systems, linux on the other
machine and osx 10.6 on this one.

I'm not sure when the filename gets added in the "wrong format", but
maybe it's my fault, I visit the absolute path.
Anyway if I can force somehow to only use relative to home paths in
emacs somehow it would be also fine.

By the way when I open the agenda all the org-files are visited and I
end up with a lot of buffers, is that normal?

Thanks and sorry for the incomplete post

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