At Thu, 21 Jan 2010 07:43:17 -1000, Thomas S. Dye wrote:

> Have you seen the emacs starter kits?  I've found Eric Schulte's
> starter kit to be very handy.  After struggling with emacs
> configuration for decades I now have at least the illusion of
> control.  The configuration is held in a series of org files that hold
> emacs-lisp code blocks, which are tangled to produce the .el file that
> emacs expects.  Each of my code chunks resides under its own org-mode
> heading, replete with notes, links, etc.  It is kind of like a
> literate .emacs program.


I hate org-mode sometimes [1]: just when I think I'm reaching a stable
system, somebody comes along and makes me realise how much better
(easier to manage/understand) my system would be if I put yet more
under org-mode control!

Time to go through my .emacs etc files -- if you don't hear from me
for several months, you'll know why!


[1]  As always, thanks to Carsten et al. for such a wonderful and
     useful tool which has, without exaggeration, transformed by life in
     both dramatic and subtle ways.

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