On Jan 27, 2010, at 1:42 PM, Nick Dokos wrote:

Thomas S. Dye <t...@tsdye.com> wrote:

Aloha all,

I haven't published to HTML in a while. In the interim, I've re- located several .org files and
updated both Org-mode and Org-babel.

When I try to publish a project, I end up with an error message and this in *Messages*:

Publishing file /Users/dk/org/tsdye/software/manual.org using `org- publish-org-to-html'
org-babel-exp processing...
and: Symbol's value as variable is void: progress-marker

Set debug-on-error to t and try the export again. Then post the backtrace.


Aloha Nick,

Here it is:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable progress-marker)
  (re-search-backward org-babel-src-block-regexp progress-marker t)
(and (re-search-backward org-babel-src-block-regexp progress-marker t) (setq progress-marker (match-end 0)) (org-babel-exp-do-export (org- babel-get-src-block-info) (quote block))) (or (and (re-search-backward org-babel-src-block-regexp progress- marker t) (setq progress-marker ...) (org-babel-exp-do- export ... ...)) (save-excursion (forward-line 0) (and ... ... ...)) (and (re-search-backward org-block-regexp progress-marker t) (setq progress-marker ...) (match-string 0)) (error "Unmatched block [bug in `org-babel-exp-src-blocks'].")) org-babel-exp-src-blocks(#("software_update -h\nsoftware_update -- help" 0 41 (fontified nil org-category "manual")) #("bash" 0 4 (org- category "manual" fontified nil))) apply(org-babel-exp-src-blocks #("software_update -h \nsoftware_update --help" 0 41 (fontified nil org-category "manual")) #("bash" 0 4 (org-category "manual" fontified nil))) byte-code("\306\307\211\211\211\211\211\211\211#$%\310\311! \211&\205 \311K'\312\216\311\313M\210eb\210`\314\315\307\306# \203\305\316\317!G#\320\316\321!\227!\322 (\323\216\324\316\325! \326\"*\316\327!)\206\\\330 \235\211\204l\322 (\331\216\332\n!*
$B$\322 (\333\216\311\334\224\"\210*\335
*\"\211+A@)\211\203\277\336\322 (\337\216
,>\203\250\340\202\255\341\f\n #*\306\211# \210\204\277\342\334\224\334\225##\210\334\225\202-\311 d\".\f \207" [preserve-indent headers body start func type t nil fboundp interblock ((byte-code "\203 \302 M\210\202\303\302! \210\302\207" [--cl-letf-bound-- --cl-letf-save-- interblock fmakunbound] 2)) #[(start end) "\301\302\"\207" [org-export- interblocks mapcar #[... "\211A@)\n \"\207" [pair x start end] 4]] 3] re-search-forward "^\\([ ]*\\)#\\+begin_\\(\\S-+\\)[ ]*\\(.*\\)?[
\n][ ]*#\\+end_\\S-+.*" match-string 1 intern 2 match-data ((byte- code "\301\302\"\207" [save-match-data-internal set-match-data evaporate] 3)) org-split-string 3 "[ ]+" 4 "-i" ((byte-code "\301\302\"\207" [save-match-data-internal set-match-data evaporate] 3)) org-remove-indentation ((byte-code "\301\302\"\207" [save-match- data-internal set-match-data evaporate] 3)) 0 assoc replace-match ((byte-code "\301\302\"\207" [save-match-data-internal set-match-data evaporate] 3)) "" apply indent-code-rigidly indentation types case- fold-search --cl-letf-bound-- --cl-letf-save-- save-match-data- internal org-src-preserve-indentation org-export-blocks x org-export- blocks-witheld] 10)
org-export-preprocess-string(#("#+TITLE: T. S. Dye & Colleagues On- line Software Manual\n\n* Mac OS X\n - You can update Mac OS X on the company computer you administer.\n - You will need to follow an operating system update by \n reinstalling the [[http://xquartz.macosforge.org/trac/wiki ][X11 windowing system]]. Otherwise, Inkscape,\n GIMP, and Gnumeric won't be happy.\n* software\\_update\n - Company software is updated over the Internet from a terminal.\n - You can see the various options by issuing either of these commands:\n\n #+BEGIN_SRC bash\n software_update -h\n software_update --help\n #+END_SRC\n \n - Typically, you will update company software during a staff \n meeting or when you receive an email with instructions.\n\n* upload\\_project, download\\_project\n - We collaborate on our report writing by sharing files over the Internet.\n - Use this method whenever possible instead of sending files via email.\n - You can get help:\n\n #+BEGIN_SRC bash\n upload_project -h\n upload_project --help\n download_project -h\n download_project --help\n # +END_SRC\n\n\n* Project directories\n\n** Preamble\n - All projects have the same directory structure.\n - You create the directory structure with the make-project script,\n which runs in the terminal.\n#+BEGIN_SRC bash\n make-project -h\n make-project -- help\n make-project -n ARDEL_data_recovery 135\n#+END_SRC\n\n** correspondence\n - Holds all incoming and outgoing correspondence. \n*** envelope\n - Make envelopes using tsd\\_env.tex.\n*** fax \n - Make fax cover sheets with tsd\\_fax\\_shell.tex.\n*** incoming \n - Keep incoming correspondence here.\n - For larger projects, you might want to add subdirectories for\n documents, letters, email messages, etc.\n*** letter\n - Make letters on company letterhead with tsd\\_letter\\_shell.tex.\n** data\n - Used for data files, including spreadsheets, R data objects, SQL\n queries, etc. \n\n*** org\n - Holds the project org-mode file\n** figure\n - Holds report figures, typically pdf or png files produced by Inkscape. \n - This directory should only hold files for figures that appear in \n the report.\n - Do not create subdirectories here, do it in scans instead.\n*** scans\n - Place scans of field drawings here, along with any intermediate\n files used to create report figures. \n - Most of your work creating report figures will take place here. \n - You can create folders here.\n*** html\n - Holds reduced- size copies of report figures suitable for viewing\n in a web browser.\n - These files are typically generated automatically.\n** map\n - Holds report maps, typically pdf or png files produced by ArcGIS\n or Inkscape.\n - Do not create subdirectories here, do it in scans instead.\n*** scans\n - Place scans of field maps here, along with any intermediate\n files used to create report maps. \n - Most of your work creating report maps will take place here. \n - You can create folders here.\n*** html\n - Holds reduced- size copies of report maps suitable for viewing\n in a web browser.\n - These files are typically generated automatically.\n \n** other\\_deliverables\n - Some projects require plans or other documents, in addition to a\n final report.\n - This directory can hold those deliverables so the report\n directory doesn't have to hold too many files.\n** photo\n - Holds report photos, suitably cropped and possibly annotated in GIMP.\n - Do not create subdirectories here, do it in originals instead.\n\n*** html\n - Holds reduced-size images of report photos suitable for viewing\n in a web browser.\n - These files are typically generated automatically.\n*** originals\n - This is the directory for original field photos.\n - It is a good idea to make subdirectories here for each of the\n cameras used in a field project and download photos from each\n camera to its own subdirectory.\n - A typical workflow uses GIMP to load an image from one of the\n subdirectories and saves the edited GIMP xcf file here.\n - You can create folders here.\n** project\n - Holds project-related files for senior personnel\n** report\n - Holds all LaTeX files for the final report.\n - You will do almost all your writing and editing here.\n* Aquamacs/Emacs\n - You can upgrade [[http://aquamacs.org/ download.shtml][Aquamacs Emacs 1.x]] and expect something similar to \n what you are using now. Your settings won't be affected by the \n upgrade. It is based on emacs 22.\n - [[http://aquamacs.org/download.shtml ][Aquamacs 2.x]] is a preview release. It fixes the reftex problem in \n Aquamacs 1.x. It is based on emacs 23.\n - An alternative is [[http://homepage.mac.com/zenitani/emacs-e.html ][Carbon Emacs]], which doesn't try to look and feel\n like a Mac application. It runs reftex perfectly. It is based on\n emacs 22.\n* Inkscape\n - The latest Inkscape for OS X 10.5 can be downloaded [[http://inkscape.modevia.com/macosx-snap/%3FM%3DD] [here]]. This is\n a development version of Inkscape and might not be stable. It\n should be installed in the Applications folder after you have\n renamed the current Inkscape application.\n - Inkscape now has an [[http://en.flossmanuals.net/Inkscape][on-line manual]].\n - Tavmjong Bah has written [[http://tavmjong.free.fr/INKSCAPE/MANUAL/html/index.html ][Inkscape: Guide to a Vector Drawing Program]].\n\n** Profile drawings \n - A satisfactory profile drawing results when care is taken to: \n - determine ahead of time the size the profile drawing will be \n reproduced in the document; \n - reproduce the profile at a scale similar to other profile\n drawings in the document;\n - choose the appropriate font and font size for labels and legend;\n - use separate layers for the main elements of the profile\n drawing; and\n - use guides and snapping to establish the borders of the drawing.\n\n** Symbol libraries\n - [[file:support_files/IAN/] [Integrated Application Network]]\n - [[file:support_files/ Map_symbols_US_NPS.svg][NPS map symbols]] \n - [[file:support_files/ MapSymbols_other_US_NPS.svg][Other NPS map symbols]] \n - [[file:support_files/Maps_template-en.svg][Map template]] (good N arrow)\n\n* GIMP\n\n - A good book on Gimp basics, written for an earlier version of the\n program but still useful, is [[http://gimp-savvy.com/BOOK/index.html ][Grokking the Gimp]].\n* Git\n - Git is version control system that we use to help manage\n collaborative work on a project.\n - Other than downloading to your computer and setting up, its work\n should be transparent to you.\n** Download [[http://code.google.com/p/git-osx-installer/downloads/list%3Fcan%3D3 ][Git software]]\n - Follow the installation instructions.\n - Check that git installed successfully:\n\n #+BEGIN_SRC bash\n which git\n #+END_SRC\n - should return /usr/local/git/bin/git \n - if it returns silently, then git did not install successfully. \n\n** First-time GIT setup\n - In the shell, issue these commands:\n \n #+BEGIN_SRC bash\n git config --global user.name \"YOUR NAME \"\n git config --global user.email x...@tsdye2.com\n git config -- global core.editor \"/Applications/TextEdit.app/contents/MacOS/TextEdit \"\n git config --list\n #+END_SRC\n\n* Gnumeric\n\n\n" 0 55 (fontified t org-category "manual" face org-meta-line font-lock- fontified t) 55 57 (fontified t org-category "manual") 57 59 (fontified t org-category "manual" face org-level-1 mouse-face highlight keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...)) 59 67 (fontified t org- category "manual" face org-level-1) 67 70 (fontified t org-category "manual") 70 71 (fontified t org-category "manual" keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight) 71 138 (fontified t org-category "manual") 138 139 (fontified t org-category "manual" keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight) 139 216 (fontified t org-category "manual") 216 218 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t invisible org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://xquartz.macosforge.org/trac/wiki"; face org- link) 218 258 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t mouse-face highlight face org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) invisible org-link font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://xquartz.macosforge.org/trac/wiki ") 258 259 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t mouse- face highlight face org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) invisible org-link font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://xquartz.macosforge.org/trac/wiki " rear-nonsticky (mouse-face highlight keymap invisible intangible help-echo org-linked-text)) 259 261 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t mouse-face highlight face org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://xquartz.macosforge.org/trac/wiki ") 261 262 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t mouse- face highlight face org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) rear- nonsticky (mouse-face highlight keymap invisible intangible help-echo org-linked-text) font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://xquartz.macosforge.org/trac/wiki ") 262 278 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://xquartz.macosforge.org/trac/wiki"; face org- link) 278 279 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight font-lock- multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://xquartz.macosforge.org/trac/wiki"; rear-nonsticky (mouse-face highlight keymap invisible intangible help- echo org-linked-text) face org-link) 279 280 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t invisible org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://xquartz.macosforge.org/trac/wiki"; face org- link) 280 281 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t invisible org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://xquartz.macosforge.org/trac/wiki " rear-nonsticky (mouse-face highlight keymap invisible intangible help-echo org-linked-text) face org-link) 281 344 (fontified t org- category "manual") 344 346 (fontified t org-category "manual" face org- level-1 mouse-face highlight keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...)) 346 362 (fontified t org-category "manual" face org-level-1) 362 365 (fontified t org-category "manual") 365 366 (fontified t org-category "manual" keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight) 366 432 (fontified t org-category "manual") 432 433 (fontified t org- category "manual" keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight) 433 503 (fontified t org-category "manual") 503 711 (fontified nil org-category "manual") 711 712 (fontified t org- category "manual") 712 714 (fontified t org-category "manual" face org- level-1 mouse-face highlight keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...)) 714 748 (fontified t org-category "manual" face org-level-1) 748 751 (fontified t org-category "manual") 751 752 (fontified t org-category "manual" keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight) 752 828 (fontified t org-category "manual") 828 829 (fontified t org- category "manual" keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight) 829 902 (fontified t org-category "manual") 902 903 (fontified t org-category "manual" keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight) 903 923 (fontified t org-category "manual") 923 941 (fontified t org-category "manual" font-lock-fontified t font-lock- multiline t face org-meta-line) 941 1040 (fontified t org-category "manual" font-lock-fontified t font-lock-multiline t face org-block) 1040 1051 (fontified t org-category "manual" font-lock-fontified t font-lock-multiline t face org-meta-line) 1051 1054 (fontified t org- category "manual") 1054 1056 (fontified t org-category "manual" face org-level-1 mouse-face highlight keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...)) 1056 1075 (fontified t org-category "manual" face org-level-1) 1075 1077 (fontified t org-category "manual") 1077 1078 (fontified t org- category "manual" face org-level-2 mouse-face highlight keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...)) 1078 1080 (fontified t org-category "manual" face org-level-2 mouse-face highlight keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...)) 1080 1088 (fontified t org-category "manual" face org-level-2) 1088 1092 (fontified t org-category "manual") 1092 1093 (fontified t org-category "manual" keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight) 1093 1145 (fontified t org-category "manual") 1145 1146 (fontified t org- category "manual" keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight) 1146 1212 (fontified t org-category "manual") 1212 4175 (fontified nil org-category "manual") 4175 4178 (fontified t org- category "manual") 4178 4179 (fontified t org-category "manual" keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight) 4179 4234 (fontified t org-category "manual") 4234 4236 (fontified t org- category "manual" face org-level-1 mouse-face highlight keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...)) 4236 4250 (fontified t org-category "manual" face org-level-1) 4250 4253 (fontified t org-category "manual") 4253 4254 (fontified t org-category "manual" keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight) 4254 4271 (fontified t org-category "manual") 4271 4273 (fontified t org- category "manual" org-no-flyspell t invisible org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://aquamacs.org/download.shtml"; face org-link) 4273 4308 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t mouse- face highlight face org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) invisible org-link font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://aquamacs.org/download.shtml ") 4308 4309 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t mouse-face highlight face org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) invisible org-link font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://aquamacs.org/download.shtml " rear-nonsticky (mouse-face highlight keymap invisible intangible help-echo org-linked-text)) 4309 4316 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t mouse-face highlight face org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://aquamacs.org/download.shtml ") 4316 4317 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t mouse-face highlight face org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) rear-nonsticky (mouse-face highlight keymap invisible intangible help- echo org-linked-text) font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://aquamacs.org/download.shtml ") 4317 4326 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight font-lock- multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://aquamacs.org/download.shtml"; face org-link) 4326 4327 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight font-lock- multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://aquamacs.org/download.shtml"; rear- nonsticky (mouse-face highlight keymap invisible intangible help-echo org-linked-text) face org-link) 4327 4328 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t invisible org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://aquamacs.org/download.shtml"; face org-link) 4328 4329 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t invisible org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://aquamacs.org/download.shtml " rear-nonsticky (mouse-face highlight keymap invisible intangible help-echo org-linked-text) face org-link) 4329 4471 (fontified t org- category "manual") 4471 4472 (fontified t org-category "manual" keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight) 4472 4473 (fontified t org-category "manual") 4473 4475 (fontified t org- category "manual" org-no-flyspell t invisible org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://aquamacs.org/download.shtml"; face org-link) 4475 4510 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t mouse- face highlight face org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) invisible org-link font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://aquamacs.org/download.shtml ") 4510 4511 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t mouse-face highlight face org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) invisible org-link font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://aquamacs.org/download.shtml " rear-nonsticky (mouse-face highlight keymap invisible intangible help-echo org-linked-text)) 4511 4518 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t mouse-face highlight face org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://aquamacs.org/download.shtml ") 4518 4519 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t mouse-face highlight face org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) rear-nonsticky (mouse-face highlight keymap invisible intangible help- echo org-linked-text) font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://aquamacs.org/download.shtml ") 4519 4522 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight font-lock- multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://aquamacs.org/download.shtml"; face org-link) 4522 4523 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight font-lock- multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://aquamacs.org/download.shtml"; rear- nonsticky (mouse-face highlight keymap invisible intangible help-echo org-linked-text) face org-link) 4523 4524 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t invisible org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://aquamacs.org/download.shtml"; face org-link) 4524 4525 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t invisible org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://aquamacs.org/download.shtml " rear-nonsticky (mouse-face highlight keymap invisible intangible help-echo org-linked-text) face org-link) 4525 4626 (fontified t org- category "manual") 4626 4627 (fontified t org-category "manual" keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight) 4627 4646 (fontified t org-category "manual") 4646 4648 (fontified t org- category "manual" org-no-flyspell t invisible org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://homepage.mac.com/zenitani/emacs-e.html"; face org-link) 4648 4694 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t mouse-face highlight face org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) invisible org-link font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://homepage.mac.com/zenitani/emacs-e.html";) 4694 4695 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t mouse-face highlight face org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) invisible org-link font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://homepage.mac.com/zenitani/emacs-e.html " rear-nonsticky (mouse-face highlight keymap invisible intangible help-echo org-linked-text)) 4695 4700 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t mouse-face highlight face org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://homepage.mac.com/zenitani/emacs-e.html ") 4700 4701 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t mouse-face highlight face org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) rear-nonsticky (mouse-face highlight keymap invisible intangible help- echo org-linked-text) font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://homepage.mac.com/zenitani/emacs-e.html ") 4701 4706 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight font-lock- multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://homepage.mac.com/zenitani/emacs-e.html " face org-link) 4706 4707 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no- flyspell t keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://homepage.mac.com/zenitani/emacs-e.html " rear-nonsticky (mouse-face highlight keymap invisible intangible help-echo org-linked-text) face org-link) 4707 4708 (fontified t org- category "manual" org-no-flyspell t invisible org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://homepage.mac.com/zenitani/emacs-e.html"; face org-link) 4708 4709 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t invisible org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://homepage.mac.com/zenitani/emacs-e.html " rear-nonsticky (mouse-face highlight keymap invisible intangible help-echo org-linked-text) face org-link) 4709 4746 (fontified t org- category "manual") 4746 4817 (fontified nil org-category "manual") 4817 4831 (fontified t org-category "manual") 4831 4833 (fontified t org-category "manual" face org-level-1 mouse-face highlight keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...)) 4833 4841 (fontified t org-category "manual" face org-level-1) 4841 4844 (fontified t org-category "manual") 4844 4845 (fontified t org-category "manual" keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight) 4845 4898 (fontified t org-category "manual") 4898 4900 (fontified t org- category "manual" org-no-flyspell t invisible org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://inkscape.modevia.com/macosx-snap/%3FM%3DD"; face org-link) 4900 4949 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no- flyspell t mouse-face highlight face org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) invisible org-link font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://inkscape.modevia.com/macosx-snap/%3FM%3DD";) 4949 4950 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t mouse- face highlight face org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) invisible org-link font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://inkscape.modevia.com/macosx-snap/%3FM%3DD " rear-nonsticky (mouse-face highlight keymap invisible intangible help-echo org-linked-text)) 4950 4953 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t mouse-face highlight face org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://inkscape.modevia.com/macosx-snap/%3FM%3DD ") 4953 4954 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t mouse-face highlight face org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) rear-nonsticky (mouse-face highlight keymap invisible intangible help- echo org-linked-text) font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://inkscape.modevia.com/macosx-snap/%3FM%3DD ") 4954 4955 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no-flyspell t 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http://en.flossmanuals.net/Inkscape " rear-nonsticky (mouse-face highlight keymap invisible intangible help-echo org-linked-text) face org-link) 5225 5229 (fontified t org- category "manual") 5229 5230 (fontified t org-category "manual" keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight) 5230 5256 (fontified t org-category "manual") 5256 5258 (fontified t org- category "manual" org-no-flyspell t invisible org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://tavmjong.free.fr/INKSCAPE/MANUAL/html/index.html " face org-link) 5258 5314 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no- flyspell t mouse-face highlight face org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) invisible org-link font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://tavmjong.free.fr/INKSCAPE/MANUAL/html/ index.html") 5314 5315 (fontified t org-category "manual" org-no- flyspell t mouse-face highlight face org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) invisible org-link 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(mouse-face highlight keymap invisible intangible help- echo org-linked-text) font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://code.google.com/p/git-osx-installer/downloads/list%3Fcan%3D3 ") 6651 6659 (fontified t org-category "manual" face org-link org-no- flyspell t keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://code.google.com/p/git-osx-installer/downloads/list%3Fcan%3D3 ") 6659 6660 (fontified t org-category "manual" face org-link org-no- flyspell t keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: http://code.google.com/p/git-osx-installer/downloads/list%3Fcan%3D3 " rear-nonsticky (mouse-face highlight keymap invisible intangible help-echo org-linked-text)) 6660 6661 (fontified t org-category "manual" face org-link org-no-flyspell t invisible org-link keymap (keymap ... ... ... ... ...) mouse-face highlight font-lock-multiline t help-echo "LINK: 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