On Wed, Jan 27 2010, Eric S Fraga wrote:

> I could see it being useful, along the lines of all the tangling
> examples in org-babel.

Yes!  Tangling of embedded code is a good comparison.

> more importantly, I often will prepare more than one presentation
> based on a given project and each presentation will be substantially
> different enough to make it difficult to embed slides.

> Yes, this I can see.  However, the type of different content you may
> wish to attach/embed will depend on its final purpose.  That is, in
> terms of presentations, who will be in the audience?

These are good points.  My inclination would be to handle variations on
the same talk using git.  For projects where this workflow makes sense,
I would write the initial paper and presentation together.  Upon
completion, I would make a git tag marking the finished state for that
version of the talk.  Subsequent talks could be created by creating a
branch.  In most cases, I would probably edit the slides-only version of
the file directly (rather than in the context of the original paper).

>> Since slides are mostly just headlines with special tags and properties,
>> at the end of the process I could easily selectively export just the
>> text of the dissertation or just the embedded slides.
> This begs the question: maybe an "export to org based on tags"
> function is all that is required?  And this is probably already
> implemented; I hesitate to suggest how or where, given my lack of
> awareness of all the various multitude of features of org-mode, but I
> can imagine that sparse trees could be part of any solution?

Yes, I think that the basis of the export function will be building a sparse
tree and then exporting the visible buffer.  I wouldn't say this is all that
is required, though.  I'd really like to have the

*************** embedded slide
*************** END                

style of inline definition.  Again, this allows slides to be embedded
without changing the surrounding outline context.

> Just some thoughts...



Austin Frank
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