Giovanni Ridolfi <> writes:

> Stephan Schmitt <> writes:
> Hi, Stephan,
>> Also sprach Matt Lundin:
>>> evita moreno <> writes:
>>>> * jones2000
>>>> blah blah blah keyword1 keyword2
>>>> *jones2007
>>>> blah blah keyword2
>>>> and so on. I was wondering whether there is a way where one can search
>>>> for a keyword in the database (more than 350 papers up to now) and can
>>>> get in an automatic fashion in which of the jones' entries these
>>>> keywords occur 
>>> You can use org-search-view (C-c a s).
>> Just a remark:
>> If the file is not in org-agenda-files it is "C-c a < s"
> well I don't think that using *Agenda* is what Evita is looking for, 
> or at least I was not able to obtain a satisfactory view
> of the authors with keyword2 occurrence in my file.
> I think that your first solution:  
> M-x org-occur
> is the best *org-option* 

I'm not sure I follow you here. The function org-search-view (C-c a s)
searches all org-agenda files for a regexp and/or word (or as Stephan
pointed out searches the current file with a restriction) and returns a
list of entry headings that contains that keyword. AFAICT, this is the
behavior the OP was looking for:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
Search words: keyword2
Press `[', `]' to add/sub word, `{', `}' to add/sub regexp, `C-u r' to edit
  test:       jones2000
  test:       jones2007
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

One more consideration: If the OP wants genuine tag functionality,
perhaps it would be better to add the keywords as tags. E.g.,

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
** jones2000                                              :keyword1:keyword2:
blah blah
** jones2007                                                       :keyword2:
blah blah
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---


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