Hi folks,

I have a question whether the following workflow is possible in orgmode:

- I create a task with a given deadline some time in the future.  I
  don't want to worry about scheduling it.

- I configure deadline warnings to I get a warning that a deadline is
  coming up, say 4 weeks before the deadline.  When I see this warning,
  I know I will have to schedule the task to work on it.

- Now, with the 4-weeks warning, it would be rather annoying to have the
  task show up on every day for the 4 weeks before the task needs to be
  completed.  So I would like upcoming deadlines to show up in my agenda
  view only if the task is not scheduled yet.

Ideally, I think a 2-layered warning system for deadlines would be
useful above.  Warn 4 weeks in advance for unscheduled tasks that have a
deadline coming up.  Warn, say, 7 days in advance for scheduled but
not completed tasks that have a deadline coming up.  Is there any way to
do any of this in orgmode, possibly with some lisp hacking?


"And it happened all the time that the compromise between two perfectly
rational alternatives was something that made no sense at all."
  -- Neal Stephenson, Anathem

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