This is driving me mad here: I have removed all the fig and size code and replaced it with onky one line that should be resizing the first graph(FloweringBoxplot.pdf). However, its resizing the second graph (NonFloweringBoxplot/pdf) and not affecting the first graph. This works on other files, so I am really at a loss here.
#+srcname:BoxplotFlowering #+begin_src R :session daf :file FloweringBoxplot.pdf :exports both boxplot(daf$Flower~daf $YEAR) #+end_src #+ATTR_LaTeX: width=10cm #+results: BoxplotFlowering [[file:FloweringBoxplot.pdf]] #+srcname:BoxplotNonFlowering #+begin_src R :session daf :file NonFloweringBoxplot.pdf :exports both boxplot(daf$No.Flower~daf$YEAR) #+end_src #+results: BoxplotNonFlowering [[file:NonFloweringBoxplot.pdf]] Graham _______________________________________________ Emacs-orgmode mailing list Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.