On Mar 20, 2010, at 9:29 PM, Leo wrote:
While taking some common lisp notes, I found compiling the following
file's LaTeX output fails.
#+title: test file
* one
1. (char "string" 2) => #\r
2. define-modify-macro
3. (code-char 66) => #\B and (char-code #\B) => 66
4. terpri and fresh-line
5. "~n&" print a new line if not at the beginning of a line and
then n-1 new lines.
These things are code examples, and I think the bes way to deal
with them is by markign them as such:
* one
1. =(char "string" 2)= => =#\r=
2. define-modify-macro
3. =(code-char 66)= => and =(char-code #\B)= => 66
4. terpri and fresh-line
5. "~n&" print a new line if not at the beginning of a line and then
n-1 new lines.
- Carsten
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