Hi Leo,

My comments are inline below.

Leo Ferres <lfer...@ccs.carleton.ca> writes:

> Hello,
> I was wondering if anyone could help me with this. I guess this
> question has been asked before, but I couldn't find an answer.
> Apologies.
> The setting:
> I have a require entry in my .emacs that reads:
> (require 'dervin-org-projects)
> and a file dervin-org-projects.el that reads:
> (require 'org-publish) ;; I've tried without this as well

Why do you require org-publish?  Shouldn't you be setting up the regular
org environment?  I don't have a require org-publish in my .emacs...

> (setq org-publish-project-alist
>       '(("orgfiles"
>        :base-directory "~/org/courses/"
>        :base-extension "org"
>        :publishing-directory "/ssh:myu...@myhost:~/public_html/"
>        :recursive t
>        :publishing-function org-publish-org-to-html
>        :exclude "PrivatePage.org" ;; regexp
>        :headline-levels 3
>        :section-numbers t
>        :table-of-contents nil
>        :auto-preamble t
>        :auto-postamble nil)
>       ("images"
>        :base-directory "~/org/courses/images"
>        :base-extension "jpg\\|gif\\|png"
>        :publishing-directory "/ssh:myu...@myhost:~/public_html/"
>        :publishing-function org-publish-attachment)
>       ("other"
>        :base-directory "~/org/courses/other/"
>        :base-extension "css\\|el\\|pdf"
>        :publishing-directory "/ssh:myu...@myhost:~/public_html/"
>        :publishing-function org-publish-attachment)
>       ("courses" :components ("orgfiles" "images" "other"))))
> (provide 'dervin-org-projects)
> When I attempt to publish the project with C-c C-e X, and I choose
> "courses", absolutely nothing happens. There's not even a message that
> appears. I therefore don't know how to troubleshoot this by myself.
> Could anyone help?

I'm thinking you haven't done the standard org-mode setup with

(require 'org-install)

which sets up the keyboard mappings.  What is C-c C-e mapped to for you?

C-c C-e is mapped to org-export for me.


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