David Maus <dmaus <at> ictsoc.de> writes:
> Wanderlust does:
> [[wl:%Inbox:user/clear <at> host:993!#4BACBD0F.E2F8C581 <at>
blueshieldca.com][<4BACBD0F.E2F8C581 <at> blueshieldca.com>]]
> >How do the org-mode users link to their IMAP mail?
> Doing the linking on two assumptions:
>  - the most significant part of a link to a mail message is the
>    message-id; no matter where it is, the message id identifies what I
>    am referring to
>  - messages have a distinct place: either there are in one of my
>    inboxes, or there are in a local archive (transfered after 180
>    days)
> So I create a link pointing to the inbox: Either the default inbox or
> including server information.  This link will be valid for 180 days,
> that is way enough to open recent links.
> In case the link is invalid because the message is moved to the local archive,
> I utilize namazu[1] and Wanderlust's capabilitiy of a "Search folder"
> that performs a search for a message in a namazu index.
>   -- David
> [1] http://namazu.org/
OK, so I spent a few hours configuring Wanderlust.  When I try to link to an
email message via: 


I get the following error:
   org-wl-open: Invalid function: wl-folder-get-elmo-folder

I can read the email via Wanderlust, now I just need to get the linking working.
 How do I properly define org-wl-open?

Thanks for the help!

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