Simon Brown <> writes:

> * Scott Brim ( wrote:
>> Wanderlust seems best at IMAP -- I would go there first, but if you've 
>> tolerated 
>> mutt's IMAP support this long, maybe you don't need good IMAP support.  VM 
>> has nice integration with w3m for HTML.  IMHO don't start on gnus if you've 
>> never used it.  Then there's MEW, which is also a good one.  They all work 
>> with 
>> mbox-style mail files.
> I'm trying Wanderlust, but I've started to wonder if it's worth the
> effort. I've moved from mbox to Maildirs but wanderlust doesn't seem
> to be able to recognise the subdirectories. I don't want to be

Maybe its like dovecot  - the "." prefix on the mailboxes.

> changing config everytime I change a list subscription. I also have

What do you mean by that? Why would you need to reconfigure each and
every time?

> yet to get it to successfully autheniticate with any imap server. 
> I've got nowhere near trying the org integration. I might try
> installing vm 8.1 but at the moment I've already squandered far too
> much time on this.

If you decided to move to maildir I'm wondering why you then decided to
use Wanderlust. Do you have your own IMAP server serving up from a maildir?

> Thanks
> Simon

Gnus has excellent maildir support ...

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