Eric Schulte wrote:
>> Thinking functional this might be the first function of
>> org-mail-htmlize[1]: Create a html representation of message body if
>> necessary or appropriate.

>Oh, so this would be a slightly different issue,

>So this function could be run *every* time an email is sent.  I agree
>that in those cases running on the entire message would be the right way
>to go.

Right, this would be nice for people who are obliged to send out html
messages.  If this is turned on org-mime should display the string
"HTML" in the mode line.  In the WL it's done this way:

| (defun dmj/wl-send-html-message-draft-init ()
|   "Create buffer local settings for maybe sending html message."
|   (unless (boundp 'dmj/wl-send-html-message-toggled-p)
|     (setq dmj/wl-send-html-message-toggled-p nil))
|   (make-variable-buffer-local 'dmj/wl-send-html-message-toggled-p)
|   (add-to-list 'global-mode-string
|                '(:eval (if (eq major-mode 'wl-draft-mode)
|                            dmj/wl-send-html-message-toggled-p))))

This function is hooked into mime-edit mode and set's a buffer local
variable that indicates "html message mode" and is displayed in the
mode line.

>> 2/
>> The second function: Attach external files that are referenced in the
>> message.  This might be useful even if you don't send out html
>> messages: All external files are stashed into a multipart/mixed
>> container along with a Content-Id: header field.
>> Than all references are changed accordingly to point to the attached
>> files:
>>   - for html use src/href with the cid: prefix
>>   - for text: good question.  Maybe replace occurences of the file
>>     with a customizable string saying: "see attached file".

>I'm not sure I understand, I'm currently happy with my mail agent's
>method of attaching files to email, what else would this use of the
>function add aside from a new attachment syntax.

What I meant was: Suppose you write a document in Org with references
to external files (images etc.).  If finished you'd like this document
to a fellow by mail including all external files.  So this function
collects all these files, and maybe converts the message body to html,
fires up Gnus/WL with a new message and inserts something like

< #multipart type="alternate">
< #part type="text/plain"> ...plain text body...
< #part type="text/html"> ...html body...
< #/multipart>
< #multipart type="mixed">
< #part type="image/png"> image1.png
< #part type="image/png"> image2.png
< #/multipart>

That is: The original document including all external files -- and all
references in the original file are replaced by references to the

| ...
| As you can see in [[file:figure1.png][Figure 1]], cats
| *are* the cutest animals on earth.
| ...

"figure1.png" will be attached and the reference adjusted to the

| As you can see in <a href="cid:id-of-figure1.png" title="Figure 1">Figure 
| cats <b>are</b> the cutest animals on earth.


| As you can see in Figure 1 (see attached file: figure1.png), cats
| *are* the cutest animals on earth.

>> 4/
>> Detecting the plain text body should not just stop on end of buffer
>> but also on the first occurence of a MIME delimiter: Maybe the user
>> already added a attachment.

>Good point, one open question here is how to treat that mime border, I'm
>thinking it may be best to simply stash it in a

>original mime content

>block, so that it survives the Org-mode export unscathed, however maybe
>it's simpler just to end the html alternative part at the first mime

Yes, it is simpler.  Simply search for the end of the message body
with the condition: either eobp or MIME delimiter.

For example when in mml (line 92ff in org-mime.el):

| (html-end (or (and region-p (region-end))
|             (if (not (re-search-forward "^<#part\\|^<#multipart" nil t))
|                 (point-max)
|               ;; one line up
|               (end-of-line 0)
|               (point))))

With this you can even catch the signature that is separate by "--
\n".  If re-search-forward finds an attachment the body ends right
before.  Small glitch: This code assumes MIME delimiters start at the
beginning of a line ("^").

 -- David

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