
I think there's no need for Org-mode in programming modes. I see
Org-mode as emacs' programming mode for plain text.

LanX <lanx.p...@googlemail.com> writes:
> my idea for the beginning was to extend my codes with org-modes folding,
> linking and some TODO features in perl comments. Maybe automatically
> switching the mode when the cursor is entering/leaving comments.

It's all there! For folding I use hs-minor-mode, for linking I still
stick with some old keyboard shortcuts here:

* `H-o o'  => 'org-open-at-point-global
* `H-o l'  => 'org-insert-link-global
* `C-c l'  => 'org-store-link

* `F3'     => 'find-file-at-point

  When in emacs-lisp mode, it will open the appropriate *.el file when
  on the symbol, no matter where I store htmlize.el on my system:

     (require 'htmlize)

  In c-mode, place point on unistd.h and press F3 to open

     #include <unistd.h>

  But it will find relative paths, too.

* `M-up'   => 'backward-page
* `M-down' => 'forward-page

   `C-q C-l' inserts the formfeed. I tend to divide source files into
   pages and group functions, classes, methods that way. Does not work
   in PHP, :-/ PHP does not consider ^L a whitespace character...but
   those guys don't even consider it a bug :-D

* `M-+'     => 'hs-toggle-hiding

   Finally, here's your fast and simple folding.

All these shortcuts work in comments, too.

>> And relying on an extra step for code generation is dangerous...

I'm a control freak myself - that's why I use emacs in the end :-)

Best wishes


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